Have you seen a flood or a forest fire? You must have seen one at least on TV in a news bulletin or a cinema film. After a critical speed is exceeded the flood or the fire takes on a multi-directional chain reaction character which means that it not only spreads faster than any efforts of stopping it but the efforts themselves may make it worse.
On the social scene we may occasionally see something similar. Rumors of a stock market crash may create such panic among the investors that the market may crash spectacularly even when there shouldn’t be much concern about an economic or single company mishap. In fact it is rumored that some big investor cliques sometimes deliberately spread rumors to cause a minicrash so that they may buy cheap one day and resell later on when the rumor is discredited and prices recover- a quick kill as they put it.
Prospect of a war or a riot can also send whole nations or neighborhoods into panic behavior like moving away from usual place of residence, selling off assets or stocking supplies and boarding up premises.
But there are also social floods and fires which people feel compelled to join and become part of. Seasonal or cult fashion is one. Peer pressure sometimes make some otherwise intelligent and prudent youths and even adults to join a fad or try an unsafe act, like drug taking.
But one social flood stands out as the most compelling as well as lasting and ever-accelerating. It has been so forceful as well as resourceful that it either by passed or outright overwhelmed the obstacles put before it.
It is the so-called Sexual Revolution, which has been as much the trademark of the 20th century as the two World Wars and the consumer boom. It followed in the wake of 19th C. scientific and philosophical developments which nearly finished the job of demolishing religions and traditions which stood their way and sent people looking for new faiths and new experiments.
The faiths were of two kinds- spiritual and ideological. Mediumship and spiritual séance nearly replaced church instruction and worship at least for the elite classes. I have always theorized about a leading minority of intellectuals and visionaries among people which I dubbed ‘the locomotive minority’ (LM). This LM is responsible for almost all change of direction and speed of development in societies experiencing radically new situations. Discovery of the New World and its colonization is one example. Sudddenly the western European masses were breaking out of their pens and pouring into new lands with infinite-looking dimensions and riches. It was like a hungry man falling in an ocean of milk and honey and eating through all holes on his body. Land, slaves, timber, game, gold… all became so plentiful after the first hurdles presented by bewildered natives were overrun. The wealth and the leisure made possible by the colonization provoked and catalysed a great boom in arts, sciences and technical inventions which added more power to the arsenal of the colonizers and their mother countries back in Europe. This was a flood.
And it did not stop at the New World. The power swelling up in the hands of the nations like Spain, Portugal, France, England and Netherlands was such that it had to be directed to the conquest of new prizes and subjugation of more weak nations. Africa was quickly carved and swallowed up among the new imperial nations and soon Asia and Oceania fell to their greed and appetite. Christianity was imposed on the Americas and pagan parts of Africa relatively easily and made also great headways in Asia and Oceania. In fact a lot of the pagan natives who dared to resist in each place was simply exterminated, especially in Australia and around. The flood was too sudden, too voluminous and too fast; within a century or two the whole globe lay at the mercy of colonial masters who treated them as if they were accountable to nobody and as if no God existed. Christianity was imposed not so much to ‘save the souls’ of the natives but to make them understandable and therefore more easily manipulated. It was one thing to have slaves who talked unintelligible languages and were controlled by their own gods and shamans and quite another for them to speak Spanish or English as their first or nearly first language and worship the Christian god.
But the floods originating in the West did not stop at colonial expansion. There were also inner floods waterlocking and reshaping the European social landscape. The thick and fast scientific and technological developments suddenly made the Medieval philosophical norms redundant and invited new viewpoints and formulations. Here were men who were understanding and controlling the forces of nature at unprecedented as well as unexpected levels. Most importantly life was giving away its so far sacred secrets and living organisms began to lose their divine image and increasingly look like machines made mainly from water and carbon compounds with small sprinklings of salts etc. Imaginations were fired and novels like Mary Shelleys Frankenstein became addictive reading. People began to talk of creating life, one way or another.
Then came along Charles Darwin. Initially a believing Christian his scientific curiosity took him to a long voyage around the oceans to new lands where he saw new species. His interminable catalogues of observations and mental ruminations over them persuaded him that the already talked of and theorized about evolution of the biological species was a reality but how it came to be was being only discovered by himself in a scientific (and not merely speculative) sense. In fact evolution had been on the books since at least the classical Greeks where some philosophers had both indicated the presence of marine fossils on the mountain tops as indicative of both the earth’s own and its biological residents evoltion. They including Aristotle had already aired the view that men were probably descended from apes. So in his conclusions Darwin was saying nothing new. What was new in him was the mechanism of evolution. His main plank of theory was the idea of the ‘survival of the fittest’. In the short term the savage struggle for food and chances of reproduction on the part of individual plants and animals and in the long term the same competition on the part of whole species saw many die out and others survive and dominate. Slow but decisive shifts in typology accumulated into a wholesale transformation into another and new species.
Subsequently Darwins theory was modified and improved by the additions and explanations like mutations and most recently genetic mechanisms. Along with Darwin’s relatively indirect challenge to Biblical accounts about living beings and particularly the creation of man came many parallel other challenges to established beliefs and traditions from property and government rights (democracy vs. absolutism or communism vs private ownership). The challenges and dissents were similarly and simultaneously extended to moral and especially sexual matters and all such challenges gradually won the day.
Nowadays public education is squarely based on many if not all the winning new ideas, from evolution to sexual liberty and religion has been pushed out of public policy arena and left to linger in a limbo of a voluntary clientele either being alienated and marginalized from the mainstream society or retaining parts of the shell of religiosity but otherwise joining in with the hedonic feasters. Bishops may have affairs or declare open gay loyalties or even join the ranks of Marxist insurgents, as in Central America. For all practical intents and purposes Westernization means complete secularisation with marginalization of religion and the truly religious and equally effectively the dissolution of sexual taboos en masse or almost en masse. One may not personally succumb to new sexual fads and tastes, they are no longer taboo; but fighting against them is taboo! You may be ostracised in all matters related to social promotion (jobs, politics, arts) and even beaten up and spat upon by your incensed enemies among the champions of the sexual revolution. In other words the inquisitions and the witch huntings and burnings have not disappeared entirely; rather the roles have been reversed. Now the infidels and witches examine, hunt down and at least ostracize the practicing and preaching believers as dangers to the mainstream church of secularism.
But what are the facts and helpful values as regards the benefits and harms in the matter of sexual creeds and practices? That is what we want to investigate and throw light upon.
A living being is an organized body of molecules, mostly water, salts and carbon-based, with a with defined yet permeable boundaries, which body shows the following characteristics as a minimum: 1. It takes in other molecules from its environment and converts them into its own building blocks like tissues, supportive or circulating fluids and both mechanically and chemically functioning organs) 2. At the same time it also breaks down or converts both what it took in as well as what it stored up into other molecules , extracts energy from the processes concerned, which energy helps its growth and/or movements. These two make up what is called metabolism and includes respiration in both plants and animals and excretion as well in animals. 3. The body repairs itself within a limited but vast enough range- when build up rate falls below repair rate the body dies 4. It is irritable- it responds to its environment when an agent it cannot cope with interferes in its workings. 5. It reproduces itself either sexually or asexually. Most plants and animals, to the degree that they are advanced organisms are almost exclusively sexual in their reproductive function. The female reproductive cell (an ovum or ‘egg’) must be fertilized by the addition of genetic material from a male reproductive egg (pollen in plants, sperm in animals) which female cell then begins to divide and its daugher cells specialize into various tissues and organs until a viable new organism is built up.
The above is neither the best, nor the most complete definition of a living being and anyhow we are not concerned with any part of it except the sexual (or rather bisexual) reproduction. The totality above is only intended to put our subject in context.
What is important for us is to realize that sex is only one among many basic functions and mechanisms of life, it has no special or privileged status and must be studied from an entirely and exclusively scientific point of view if we want to arrive at valid insights and constructive judgments based on the laws of nature.
Now, since food intake is for the exclusive reason of obtaining adequate amounts and varieties of nutritious substances and less or more than that will harm the organism in question sex also must be studied from the same perspective of survival but this time in terms of the species and not individuals. The latter is genetically so programmed that it must seek out and unite with a sexual partner which of necessity can only be one of the opposite sex. If both are fertile both as to anatomy and timing then a pregnancy will result and often a birth follows in due course.
Admittedly, sex may be so stark and simple in some animals, especially the more primitive but as we ascend the species ladder what we may legitimately call ‘full-fledged (two-parented) family formation begins to dominate without being universal. The rule is so tricky that while some species among birds which inn general are not as advanced as the mammals form stable families with a sexual couple staying together for life and raising generation after generation of chicks with such ideal cooperation that both parents take turns to sit on the incubating eggs or fly errands of finding and bringing in food one feels humbled with such a devotion for it is often not so perfect among mankind. On the other hand between the two very closely related animal species, say lions and tigers, we may see great variations to family life. Lions live in closely-knit extended families called a pride where a dominant male and often the father of all younger lions is in charge of a harem of adult females and has only royal duties like discipline and order and the exclusive husbandly duty of fertilizing the females when they are hot and never otherwise. Neither sex seeks copulation unless they are mutually provoked by full fertility conditions, ovulation in the female and corresponding arousal chemically caused in the male. This in fact applies to all animals except man and we shall see how and why when we eventually turn our attention to man.
Additionally and as in most (not all) mammals lions are so jealous of their partners that they not only chase away any males from outside the pride but chase away all young adults (their sons) and may even kill them if they dare to resist too much or try their luck from their exile. This is most wise and salutary a behavior despite its savage image because what the young lions are innocently attempting is incest either with mothers or own aunts and sisters. Although some incest is always possible among animals any reduction in it must help. Incest rapidly leads to serious genetic and phenotypal (appearance) deterioration with many regressive traits like potential illnesses and deformities being enhanced at each generation.
The young lions must instead spread out and earn their own harems so that the serious dangers of too close inbreeding are avoided. Against this leonine behavior we have the lesser alternative exemplified by tigers. Here the male and female meet about every two years, stay together for several days over which they copulate many times and then drift apart as suddenly as they came together. It is the single female who is left to gestate and give birth to its young, suckle them for about a year in an ever reducing relative amount while gradually introducing them to solid food (game flesh) until by age one they are not only completely weaned but are accompanying the mum on her hunting missions, increasingly participating and ending up by age to as independent adults. They often keep close to mum and even may enjoy an accidental visit or two from dad but as months pass they melt away into the forest to start claim their own territories and start their own families. The old male often resurfaces every two years to mate with his partner and it is another cycle all over again. Lastly a male often has within his territory several females he confines to himself but never to cohabit like in lions. Each form apparently works best for each species, namely lion and tiger and it is no business of ours to judge. Having done these brief but essential observations we may now turn our attention to man. There again we must be as objective and scientific.
On the whole man over the millennia has proven himself a largely polygamous (or rather more accurately ‘polygynous’, i.e, more than one female partner) animal. In Greek ‘gamos’ first means copulation and then wedding. So all instances of one man accessing more than one woman whether legitimately or not may be seen as polygamy. With this quite legitimate if expanded definition we may rule that ALL civilizations have been at least partly polygamous including both today’s and Medieval Europe. Today’s is more than polygamous in fact; it is promiscuous, so promiscuous in fact that both homosexuality and incest are thrown into the basket in good measure. This is the basic bottomless pit which we shall study but that must wait for now. Repeat, basic only.
In Medieval Europe a strict doctrinal demonization and condemnation of sex in all forms across the board ran parallel to a secret or supposedly secret indulgence in all its forms as today among the powerful classes and partially among the lower. Firstly, brothels always worked and prospered in one form and another and sometimes even under legalizing papal supervision. Monasteries harboured tons of unavoidable sexual activities both hetero- and homosexual. It is said that lands and waters around monasteries were choked with both aborted and born and dead babies made by nuns. This is not to criticize and insult the monks and nuns but just to state facts which are to be seen as unavoidable as a result of false and unworkable doctrines invented in the name of a Jewish prophet who could only be an upholder of the Mosaic Law which like the Islamic hallows both marriage and married sex itself. Historians have been showing for about two centuries at least that Christianity has been nothing but a natural continuation of the pre-Christian mystery and monastic traditions as modified by the name and dubious identity of a new god (Jesus Christ) who couldn’t be farther away from its many teachings and practices. In doctrine it is Middle Eastern as another edition of a tradition of sons of god who died to pay for the sins of humanity and were resurrected in glory, ascended to heaven and sat next to their father, ruling and judging the world from there.
Its name followed a circuitous course like Baal, Ishtar, Tammuz, Isis or Adonis eventually landing on the head of Jesus as its last victim. Demonization of sex has a similarly long ancestry with offspring all over Asia and the Near East from where it invaded Europe through Christianity. From Indian yogis to Roman Isis worshippers the excessive taboo on sex ravaged humanity for many centuries causing them to swing from one abominable and unsustainable extreme to the other in sexual matters. Today in the West the pendulum is high in the over-indulgence extreme gradually taking the bottom out of the Westen power. When one last critical plank is taken out I am afraid the whole edifice will crash down. This may be a new virus so contagious and virulent that before anything can be done about it the populations may be so severely decimated that social and economic collapse may ensue. All in all we may say that a haughty condemnation of the only too natural is such a non-starter and self-laid trap that its results may well counter-condemn its champions to more than lick their spittle. Human sexuality needs a cool-headed, objective and totally well-meaning approach or this unnecessarily fudged problem will continue to divide people and send them from one extreme of wrongs and harms to another.
First we must take into account the ultimate most important aim of sex and second men’s and women’s biologically determined roles. Third we must carry our conclusions up into the higher level of social organization.
First the first. No doubt the ultimate natural aim behind the anatomical and behavioral sex characteristic is reproduction of the species. That is because that most important aim of survival of the species squarely depend on sufficient reproduction. A flower is nothing but a sex organ which is filled with not only an egg awaiting fertilization but also sweet and fragrant juices inviting fertilizing agents like bees. It is a short step from a flower to a female animal’s womb in basic terms. Her womb also contains a fertilizable cell and issues and oozes enticing juices and smells which make adult males converge around her and sometimes fight almost to death for the privilege of fertilizing it and thereby making the winning male’s genes survive into another generation. In other words the only difference between plant and most bisexual animal reproduction is the mobility of the partners in the latter. There is competition and often the top dog or bull wins. And it wins for good reason. The natural environment is a very hazardous as well as competitive place and for the survival of the species highest quality genes in its gene pool must survive while lower qualities must be eliminated.
If we now turn our attention to humans we see these principles reflected in full. As soon as human beings attain puberty (ovulation in girls and sperm production in boys) the two sexes begin to eye each other with far more interest than before. But each sex has different biologies and therefore strategies to get the best possible deal.
As for woman she produces only one egg approximately each lunar month and this precious item stimulates her to seek its fertilization. As a result ovulation causes an enhanced sexual desire in woman which makes her to deploy an attractive and inviting body language. Sexually skilful males (for not all males are equally alert to and cognizant of female sexual messages) begin to close in. The woman eyes her ‘customers’ with the eyes of any entrepreneur- which one of them promises more profit. Profit in what?
In at least two items. First, high quality genes to join hers so that healthiest possible baby with highest possible chance of success in life, and second, a life partner like in bird families who will be around long enough and be able to contribute more to the family work (including defence) , shelter and food economy, especially when the woman is pregnant, delivering and suckling. These events are disempowering for the woman more than in other animals. To this one must add all the cumulative surviving babies who need several years to become independent. As a result human communities who developed and maintained stable two-parent, more or less patriarchal family institution (what we call the traditional family) enjoyed higher survival rates and gradually replaced communities which were promiscuity, estrangement of the fathers soon after conception or matriarchal (mother-dominated) families were the norm. In other words, despite some romantic nostalgias and protests on the part of some dreamy leftist thinkers the traditional family system of basing a society on has been the rightful winner of the entirely natural and therefore innocent as well as unconscious human survival experiments. It was simply the case that a female breeding from a steady male partner and taken care of by him with all their joint offspring included come hell or high water amounted to the social unit with highest success rate in the survival of our species.
As for the man’s reason of being a partner in this arrangement we now turn to his biology.
Man does not produce a single sexual cell once in a month like a woman does. Had it been so the two would meet once a month and mate there and then. Even then man would be left with the problem of what to do with his next month’s cell. For woman, once impregnated there lies ahead a long period of gestation, birth, and suckling at least a few months before she is again ready to become pregnant. She can then do without a man as far as her sexual needs are concerned; and that is exactly the case with all lower animals- among them males are only aroused by ovulating females and not by pregnant or early suckling ones. The latter are not fertile or nearly as fertile. In humans however both pregnant and suckling females need a lot of help if they are to enhance their chances of survival and therefore fathers are naturally drawn to both the mother and the joint offspring. After all man has precious memories as well as incomparably high intelligence and that nowhere else found IMAGINATION. This last and unique faculty helps man (as well as woman) to develop a conscience and feel compassion and seek long term love. So a stable family imposes itself on the partners.
But that does not solve man’s problem entirely. Every day he has his sexual glands pumping up and storing in more and more semen in his testicles. This need be pumped out or the man, especially when young, will go crazy. Some of the testesterone (male hormon) catalysed energy represented by semen may be diverted to both physical activity (work, sport and plain aggression) and mental activity (study, contemplation, artistic, scientific and philosophical creativity). But a residual and exrtremely pressing amount survive all such diversions and demands to be used up in sexual activity. Even when married hardly a week may pass without a young man not needing his wive’s help. That is why, unlike other mammalian females the human female can be a willing and enjoying partner to sexual union during both most of pregnancy and a variable short time after childbirth. That is both a blessing and message from the Creator that stable bi-parental family is the natural norm for humans.
But even that extra capacity may not satisfy a man. In fact no sexually strong enough male can avoid arousal by other women except when secure moral and spiritual moorings are in place like with his nearest blood relations (the incest zone). Such trespass is rare to say the lest in well-mentored traditional societies. But in fact that is hardly necessary as females of every description and availability are all over the place. If looked hard enough there can be found many women to be taken as additional wives (traditional polygamy), women who are loose or woman who are not loose but loosenable if one knows the tricks. But things are not that simple. There is a grand psychological institution attached to human sexuality which is the largest among all mammals- sexual jealousy. Man is not only jealous about his female partner or prospective partner. He is also jealous about his female close blood relations like his mother, his sisters and his daughters. He will suffer no men to accost them except for honorable reasons and in time- honoured ways. There are men who even resent these and therefore pose a nuisance to both their families and the suitors of his womenfolk. But that is abnormality.
In the traditional society and also in its diluted continuations like today’s many societies the ever sexually conscious man faces one more obstacle as can be seen from above. The generalized sexual jealousy makes both men and women to watch others for evidence of sexual activity outside marriage. Gossip, suspicion, espionage and in more traditional societies police and court action are kept working on overdrive. As a result man’s ingenuity is tested to its limits and methods each more ingenuous than the other begin to be desvised and used to bypass and outwit the social obstacles in front of more sexual exploits for men and to a lesser extent the more prurient or under-satisfied women as well. It is from here onwards that the bottomless pit comes to be dug and fed. That is next.
Men and women have rather different reasons and motivations for resorting to sexual activity before or outside marriage.
Before we look into them we must first state the obvious. While the reason why people marry (seek their sexual fulfilment in marriage) the reason for extra-marital sex is getting an orgasm. That is the essential, inalienable minimum. Short of it is is not sex but extended foreplay.
‘Fortunately’ for the extra-marital adventurer orgasm itself is the simplest and easiest thing to achieve. But in its simplest form it is also too drab and incomplete to solve the sexual problem of man. It just releases the tension, albeit pleasurably, but something feels sorely missing. That soreness is the punishment for the act by the Creator Who insitalled our sexual capacity for the dual purpose of reproduction and socialization. When either of these is missing we feel cheated. When both are missing we feel betrayed. It could not be otherwise. So even the most promiscuous sinners, except a few psychopaths or sociopaths deep down yearn for a stable family life. Almost all prostitutes confess to this yearning and many Don Juans settle down happily after a good marriage and often look back at their past sexual exploits with some distaste and regret. That is because we sin against a background of religious conscience however denied or scoffed at. Man IS religious however imperfectly and lapsingly because he instinctively recognizes that we should not be free to do anything we want but for our common good must maintain some limits and taboos. We are many times hurt by others who exceed such limits at our expense and at least out of fear become cautious lest we contribute to the vicious circle ourselves. Again psychopaths or sociopaths are excluded.
All the same some men and women continue to seek sexual satisfactions before and outside marriage and ways and opportunities for these compromised satisfactions are only legion. From the simplest to the fullest are: masturbation, use of inanimate articles for stimulation, bisexual flirtation including physical but not full contact (no penetration) common between adolescents with kisses and hugs dominating, going to prostitutes by men, seducing a member of the opposite sex for a full union. These are heterosexual based stages available for the sinner (by sinner I do not intend a stigmatising meaning but a lapse in judgment- for man cannot stop sinning entirely and God is too merciful to apply the full prescribed punishments in many cases although occasional destruction remains always on the cards- like VD and even a sexual murder).
But there are also ways other than heterosexually based. These range from the so-called ‘gay’ unions to the abuse of the animals and even the dead corpses. There is no too deep pits of filth and abomination man cannot jump in when devoid of Divine light. Of these we shall confine ourselves to homosexuality because that has been and remains the main form of extra-marital sexual activity and surprisingly seems to be on the increase. We shall discuss it from both an historical and bio-psycholgical angle.
As societies form around nuclei of families and packaged in a network of traditions some people find themselves sexually uncounted either because they are thought to be too young or unequipped for marriage. It is the case that some societies marry their youths at earliest age possible or sometimes even before puberty solemnizing a union pending the oncoming of the puberty of one or both parties to it. An adult man may be given a child bride, the marriage contracted but the consummation awaits the girls beginning menstruation. Then full wedding ceremonies go ahead and the couple begin to live together. Boy children also may be married to girl children and consummation takes place when both become fertile. In other societies however the youths are awaited to attain a certain maturity and boys obtain a way of livelihood before they are married. This consideration has its merits as well as dangers. Fertile boys and girls are in a potentially dangerous situation of succumbing to a number of forms of sexual temptation. We had touched upon these a little while ago- I mean the list beginning with masturbation. But there are far more serious dangers for all concerned in all versions of sexual exclusion.
To see how homosexual practices and feelings are aroused and established let us consider the following bunch of scenarios drawn from real life as occasionally and truthfully reported by those who were involved.
The surprising fact is that children ARE or quickly become sexually conscious as well as curious from as early as age 4 or 5. Learning fast from peers or the older children they first begin by exploring their and the opposite sex’es surface anatomy and if shown how begin to mimic adult sexual acts. But among children there always up adolescents who know and can do more. Generation after generation of boys grow up to an old enough age to fell a strong enough sexual desire to penetrate others and girls being better guarded and often jealously segregated as well as watched younger boys necessarily become the next best penetrating prospects. Quite near the female site is male’s back passage with a mucous and elastic tube inside which may stand as a proxy to a vagina. This idea is tried, found moderately satisfactory and passed from generation to generation as a secret sexual lore. But because this practice represents a rival to females’ own desirability and families being anxious about their daughters’ prestige as the exclusive sexual saisfiers of their future husbands from the family’s standpoint male homosexuality becomes a grave danger. A man helplessly confined to the satisfactions given by his wife is far more easily retainable and exploitable than another who has access to other ways and partners. Hence the almost universal loathing and often ban on male homosexuality. Too much is at stake for the daughter and by extension her parents and family at large if homosexuality is an established habit for the son-in-law or becomes so subsequently. In other words again the survival instinct is at play. It is taken so seriously that it is sometimes punishable with death.
But in some other societies, and especially those with a higher minimum age for marriage of their youths homosexuality becomes an outlet for some. If an extreme segregation of the sexes is added to that homosexuality becomes difficult to avoid. Segregation of the sexes and modest dress for women are useful in reducing the risk of adultery but taken too far it invites the other sin the homosexual habit. In too strictly segregated society the outdoor society consists almost exclusively of males and boys are starved of that minimal opportunity to come to admire the feminine charm (own family of course don’t count because they are too nearly related and familiar). From their elder citizens these young boys get the wrong sexual attention which make them uneasily feel feminine thus sowing in them a confusion about the sexual roles. Having no body hair and not yet male enough they more or less look like young girls and get chased. This was the case among the ancient Persians and Greeks as well as their pupils the Romans.
Initially the homosexual desire is one sided- that of the ‘penetrant’. Until the victim is persuaded by some extraordinary means it wont be allowed except by force (which is done anyhow in more desperate cases). The more usual however is seducing the victim by promises of easy penetration and pleasure for himself as well. Monetary or other rewards, may be dangled before the prospective victim. Threats and blackmail also may be tried. And most interesting than all such strategies love and tenderness can be faked towards the victim that for a love-starved boy this decides the issue. It is the case that many male homosexual with a female role get inadequate love within their family and yearn for more. Some parents are too cold towards their children or too busy to show them enough tenderness while the child for his or her part may be love-sensitive type. Such a love-starved boy may, for the price of being warmly and tremblingly hugged, tenderly caressed and passionately kissed experience such blissful gratitude that he becomes benumbed and stops resisting. There can then be no turning back, especially if material rewards and promises and perhaps also threats of exposure are added. The victim, being a male after all however, cannot avoid a sense of defilement and betrayal but the narcotic supplied by faked love and care may prove too addictive for not welcoming a repeat at a future date. The resentment element caused by the experience may then fuel in the victim to similarly seduce other boys thereby avenging his hurt by proxy. This chain-reaction like transmission of hurts and guilty joys is the first avenue leading to the Bottomless Pit of sexual perversion and abomination.
For most male homosexuals the degeneration stops here. That is to say they eventually establish themselves as single or dual role homosexuals. But among the femiminity-obsessed type there are more ambitious ones. They want to go all the way, to undergo a sex change operation and even to marry a man! More lately, the rapid breakthroughs in genetics inspired some among them to even contemplate conception and childbirth.
Against male there is also female homosexuality. Although equally abominable on account of abusing sexual functions (which should be stable family socialization and procreation- oriented) it is perhaps overall less dangerous than the male form because genital invasion is less profound and a rape less traumatic. But evil is evil and should not be treated lightly. Before we move on to other sexual perversions let us look at the evils caused by homosexuality.
The design of human anatomy and physiology corresponds to a bisexual reproductive function and the psychology to go with it. If innocent like animals human males and females would simply be attracted to each other and after some preparatory motions unite their parts to bring about a pregnancy. But being social animals more like lions and apes than tigers and reptiles as well as being endowed with very high intelligence, cognitive and imaginary powers humans jointly produces societies underpinned by moral and legal regulations and live inner lives valuing truth, justice, loyalty, love and if need be sacrifice. Both sexes identify with their babies and want to remain together as a family, basically speaking. Almost every instance of divorce involve very serious matters of custody of and access to joint offspring and even abduction or murder may result from a sense of too strong grievance on the part of either party.
It takes quite more than a decade for a young human gaining physical independence from its parents but the emotional bond may and often remain as strong as ever. As such filial bonds are the roots of all social bonds as a result of which we feel an emotionally committed member of our society at large whether it is a tribe, a nation or an ummah (religious community up to worldwide size). It is not for nothing that at critical times members of a society of any size refer to each other as brothers and sisters, and often address the older generation as uncles or aunts and even fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers as the case may be. Among turks the seeing their community at large as their extended family is so well ingrained that they have a larger filial vocabulary than others in which words like agabey or abi for older male peers and abla or aba for the older female peers are required informal etiquette. It is so refreshing to see a young Turkish celebrity to address a mere older nobody sometimes abi or abla and show genuine respect and extend a helping hand.
All this civilized, mutually caring society depends on the institution family. As said the family itself is of sheer biological necessity depends on the partnership of a man and woman intent up raising jointly made children whom they will jealously protect and prepare for a life ideally and hopefully better than theirs.
The first thing each partner needs is then the loyalty of the other. Loyalty in what? In exclusive sexual access so that any baby born are genuninely both partners’. No man in his natural mind likes the prospect of looking after another man’s child through his wife. This is so serious an insult to most men even among the best educated and sophisticated that anything from bitter divorce to murder may result from such cheating. The same applies to women. No woman likes the prospect of her mate accessing other women and they also sometimes go as far as murdering either or both sinners. However terrible such reactions and retribution they are biologically caused reactions about which nobody can do anything if the matters begin to go from bad to worse according to the offended party. It is not ‘civilizedness’ to ignore provocations like adultery to our biologically determined reactions because ignoring nature is ignoring truth and acting on unjust urges harms the social fabric which need be kept whole and strong at all times. If most people are jealous of their actual or prospective sexual partners that is that- it should be respected and behaved accordingly. So why some people want to cheat the rest?
Firstly we must remember that a person’s cheating his or her fellow citizens is not confined to sexual sphere. People cheat on their taxes, on their debts, in their work and commerce, in art and academics, in religion and sports… in fact in every arena of social activity where some prize is to be allocated or shared. So sex is no special case. Now may we ask, why everytbody of whatever sexual belifes and habits agree that cheating the rest of us on all arenas from tax to taxi fares are wrong and immoral and worthy of some punishment and not sexual cheating?
In what way a sexual act other than the bisexual married sex is a cheating? We can give an almost interminable list of reasons. For example
It reduces the need on the part of the cheat to commit himself or herself to a married partner so that the two start a stable family and raise children genuinely theirs and therefore looked after them the best way possible in principle
If already married it constititutes an insult and a serious blow to the innocent partner. What right do we have to cheat and hurt somebody who is rightfully in a position where he or she would naturally feel hurt?
A homosexual act has always the potential risk of picking up an infective agent which normally shouldn’t exist in our sexual parts. For example an anus has a different spectrum of symbiotic (beneficially together living) and parasitic (harmfully exploiting) organisms than a vagina or urethra if there is any at all in the latter. There shouldn’t because cleanliness is natural to these two front channels- normally they contain no nutrients for ordinary organisms to live on and multiply. The rectum however is full of nutritious residues from meals taken and acts as an excellent incubator for almost all organisms including the most pathogenic. So what are we doing in a rectum if not raking up the filthiest possible muck? Once a homosexual’s rectum gets a pathogenic bug it is only a matter of time before it spreads among the homosexuals and even more unjustly among the heterosexuals who unknowingly united with an infected partner even when a husband and wife. What right and justification we have to spread an infection and ruin lives? Let me tell you it is like what. Suppose that we are driving a new and flashy sports car and we ventured into the motorway intent on trying every hair-raising acrobatics on our car. At no time we shall be causing crashes and casualties.
The reason why we are daring to try our car on a busy motorway as if it was a test piste in the wilderness is that we are madly obsessed with the possibilities of sophisticated cars, are daredevils, are SELFISH LIKE SATAN and cannot wait before we consider what will happen if we make a blunder or even do not care at all even if we are going to perish. All these satanic elements are exactly involved in sexual sins! Let us take a young man who is so sex-obsessed (as almost all young men are) yet also so selfish and thoughtless that he goes out with the singular aim of sticking his penis into the first biological hole he can get hold of. Suppose that he lives in a traditional society where there are obstacles before sexual access to anybody and only married sex is approved. This young man however is either not in a position to marry for whatever reason or does not fancy marrying in the first place. But he wants orgasms on others badly enough and he is determined to get it whatever it takes. This is exactly the same psychological situation as the sports car maniac’s. In his search he learns that he has many options in fact, each depending on different capital and skills to realize.
One is mixing with homosexuals and soliciting, buying or exchanging favours. In this case he is assured in due course to join the chain of veneral illness transmission among the members of the society, innocent or otherwise. He must simply enter or be entered by his first infected fellow. The second option is seducing a woman. This may result in an act of revenge on him on the part of somebody with some rights on the victim. A third option is visiting a prostitute. If not then on a later occasion an illness must claim him and also make him a transmitter. Fourth option is raping somebody. No comment is necessary. The fifth may be child abuse. No comment is necessary. Similarly animal abuse, the abuse of the dead even- all have happened and keep happening. And why all this? What is the point, what is the excuse, what is the use? All are for the same thing- an orgasm. But is it? Not quite. The extra-marital, promiscuous and unlawful sex. pursuer is like the sports car maniac. In his case his sports car, his toy is his sex-hungry body whose all orgasmic as well as social possibilities he is madly out to test. He is fascinated by the strangeness, the unnaturalness and the image of guilt and scandal that goes with homosexual intercourse (banned tastes better syndrome), the sense of conquering somebody against that somebody’s better judgment (seduction case) or against that somebody else’s will (rape), the sensation caused by variation (all new things feel delicious syndrome) like orgasm into or by help from non-genital tubes etc. etc.
The abuse and misdirection of sexual powers and generative agents which cut down reproduction in societies where the birth rate needs going up. Even if the birth rate does not need going up sexual perversions damage to family solidarity and happiness which is necessary in all societies. Why? Because for personal and social health all marriageable persons should marry. To enhance our inclination towards marriage sexual ways providing alternatives to married sex must be ruled out. When a man for example finds that his sexual urges are morally and legally blocked except in the direction of marriage then he will make all his gears work towards achieving marriage. And we shall see in a moment why marriage provides the best of both world for a sexually ready person. In all societies living in peace and with basic health there is roughly but still closely enough the same number of marriageable males and females and their matching is the ideal form of for a basis of socialization and raising of future generations. What right crazy and selfish individuals have to subvert and frustrate this best possible base because their acts give them fun?
All crime is the result of some bad apples wanting to have fun at the expense of others and educating citizens to master themselves and keep away from irresponsible selfish acts is or should be the main aim of education. At the same time all justice is nothing but an attempt at stopping the same bad apples from cheating others for fun of the other’s rights as well as punishing the cheats once they are caught. Sexual acts have all the potential for being selfishly committed, for constituting a cheating of others as well as causing very very great harm to others for reasons given above. So how then sex can b regarded a private matter, its dangerous and unnatural forms as liberal choices and the resultants ills like sexual epidemics, many terrible and deadly and even decimating nations, as tolerable price for the privileged privacy and liberality? This is double standards at their glaring worst and unforgivable most.
Almost everybody is fighting over Islam. Almost all denominations of non-muslims are accusing it of being intolerant and too political and warlike, citing the ‘terrorist’ acts in its name. Even some muslims who call themselves secularists call for its curbing, especially in the political arena they say because its laws are outdated and its morals incompatiple with muslims’ needs for adapting themselves to the Western culture and being accepted by them as civilized nations. Lastly practicing muslims fight over Islam variously for creedal, spiritual, legalistic and political grounds. So nobody is leaving Islam alone and muslims to go about their business.
The irony is that Islam both means peace and seeks peace. But whether many of those who call themselves muslims mean and seek peace is another matter. Not two muslims or more can come together whether informally or as members of an organization, including ‘Islamic organization’ but they itch to argue and debate which in the least case ends in each side standing his ground and in the worst exchanging accusations of ignorance and even blasphemy (kufr)! For some reason the Qur’an and the Hadith fail to impress their most students with their humility and peace-loving aspects but are adding fuel to their will to power and domination as if these students intention is achieving power using the ammunition they may pick and choose from these holy sources. This of course verifies the very first hadith reported in the greatest of Hadith collections, namely the Bukhari’s. That celebrated hadith says “Acts are judged on the basis of the intentions behind them”. If a muslim student studies the Qur’an and the Hadith to attain the spiritual blessings they offer then he should end up as a very pious, morally sound and peaceful and graceful person. If, on the contrary, his intention is to serve his selfish interests beginning aggrandisement, playing the Prophet (sws) and getting adulation from and dictating to others such hatchling chiefs are always at odds with similarly obsessed rivals and if their ambitions extend also beyond the academic into the political arena feathers are certain to fly and blood is certain to be shed. Victimization of political leaders by the politically motivated and active claimants to Islamic knowledge has its first example in sayyidina Osman the third caliph of Islam and passing through many sultans and caliphs, like a few Ottoman sultans (e.g. Selim III) continues to this day in the form of many muslim militant groups trying to topple the governments of their respective countries.
Of course Islam is not alone in this problem of claimants to piety and religious knowledge seeking to replace dynastic or other political leaders. For centuries church and state in Christian countries fought for supremacy and at times reached uneasy modes of living together. A lot of bloodshed came and went in between until the rising intelligentsia of Europe and politicians who sided with the anti-church intelligentsia won and knocked churches out of polititics. Only Orthodox churches like the Greek kept poking their noses into politics and fanning faschist nationalist passion kept pushing and dragging governments into bloody wars like in Asia Minor, Cyprus and more recently former Yugoslavia.
Taking their cue from their Western colleagues many modern muslim rulers and governments introduced secularism (as in Turkey) overtly or covertly (as in Egypt) and suppressed those who clamoured for getting the power in the name of Islam.
It is difficult to arbitrate between these secularists and Islamists. Despite their doctrinal differences they often share similar and equally deplorable shortcomings. Despite the doctrinal differences they are almost identical in their lust for power for power’s sake and each side loves to dictate and persecute opposition. So, most Islamists motivation, perhaps unknown to themselves is the same as those who killed Osman and then frustrated and eventually destroyed Ali. Mind you, some more audacious ones had even accused the Prophet (sws) himself for not being up to the standards of their understanding of Islam. They accused him of being unjust in the distribution of war booty challenging him with words like “O Muhammad, fear Allah and be just” at which the Prophet (sws) was incensed. Some even accuse Allah for not being just to them!
You know what the truth is? It is that each community gets from Allah the government they deserve on the basis of their general level of piety and the best way to get a better government is not fighting an existing one but fight for piety to increase among the people. Those who think that ‘the people’ are innocent pious muslims and it is their government who are impious usurpers are either in a hurry to get the government for themselves or spiritual ignorants. In both cases they do not deserve it and can do no better even if they land with it. An impious public cannot support a pious government. And improving public piety is a long and painful process. Had that been so easy second generation ummah would not suffer tyrants like Yazid or his and his likes’ victimization of their Prophet’s nearest and dearest ones. Politics is a dirty business and given the general level of piety very dangerous for good muslims.