Our history may end here but our story cannot. Each generation dusts up delusions it inherited from its predecessors and try again the same vain things. Communism is a good example. It was not invented by Marx nor first implemented by Lenin. We have communist preaching, insurrection and establishment of a communist state in ancient Iran, ancient Greece and ancient Rome as well as in Abbasid and Ottoman times. All began as starry-eyed idealism and led to bloody-eyed revolution and ended up as disappointing application followed by either collapse from inside or violent overthrow by the mainstream power structures theatened by it. Carmathians were communistic; as already seen they spectacularly destroyed imperial armies and spread like bushfire but fizzled out as fast as they had arrived. In the 15th century a certain sufi sheikh called Bedreddin preached a communistic ideology and founded a communist society which quickly mushroomed into many colonies throughout the empire. His success took the Ottoman authorities by surprise; he and his generals repeatedly defeated imperial armies sent against them.
They extended their dominion to both the European and Asiatic parts of the Ottoman Empire but ended with all its leaders either killed in battle or hanged after capture and trial. History again shows that too hotly and hastily arranged and too brutally implemented political plans succeed only temporarily on two grounds, namely, the fanatical psychology motivating its votaries and the surprise element catching the established order off-guard and disorienting them for a while. Once the established power becomes able to focus and marshall its resources the freak movement’s days are numbered. In other words time and again history has shown that acute power mania gripping a too idealistic and impatient group of politico-idelogical or politico-religious debutantes can gain fast and spectacular successes but these are more due to the surprise element and the astronomically great fanatical zeal and the misguided heroism going with it than being due to real or vast popular need or support. Once the authorities cast off the shock and surprise their well-organised power and unlimited resources prevail in the end and the movement is effectively finished and its protagonists exemplarily punished.
Why newer and newer players keep trying this path despite all historical discouragers?
The reason has already been said- lust for power. We must also add to it their ignorance of the lessons of history. Let me expand on the lust for power a bit.
A type of person wants always to win against all the world (at the minimum against his small social environment like family or professional rivals as he sees his colleagues). Why he wants to always win is that he is both ruthless about his greeds and lusts and ruthless against others whom he thinks entertain similar ambitions or may help others with similar ambitions and ruthless against ruthless. At the expense of being seen rude I dare say that a tyrannical character is like a solitary carnivorous beast; he must always be on the watch against rivals trespassing into the hunting territory he regards exclusively his and will fight to death if necessary to prevail. Thus the oft-heard old Oriental remark by a would-be world conqueror to another “This world is too small for the two of us, I must have all of it”.
It is a simple matter to merely have a tyrannical personality. One only has to have some psychopathic component in his makeup. Such a simple tyrant often fails in his ambitions because as a naïve criminal he is caught early and put behind the bars. More complicated is being both a tyrannical-minded psychopath and a genius in terms of IQ. Even without a proper education a genius tyrannical person may beat others less tyrannical as well as non-tyrannical in a game for gaining the domination over something. Stalin was perhaps the best example. Lastly the top tyrant is the one with all three, namely psychopathic enough mind-set, high intelligence and great learning, at least in terms of conspiratorial methods. Such a combination is rare yet anything approaching it is enough to cause the success of a tyrant against all odds.
Without giving names let us summarise the rise of a great recent tyrant. He had a brutal father, apparently with psychopathic tendencies, who routinely and consistently brutalised the future tyrant. He becomes an obedient son out of fear, studies well and gets a degree and joins a revolutionary party in his college years. He rises rapidly in the party thanks to his rigid obedience pattern to his superiors and his readiness to execute any orders given however brutal. No need to give more details or history- Once he attains enough height through rapid promotions through obedience he takes the rest of the matter into his own hands and shoots his way to the very top. Once installed there he tightens up the already suffocating tyrannical methods and practices of the ruling party he is the absolute leader and manages to stifle all opposition and beat off all rivalry, real or presumed in paranoid terms. He could only be brought down by overpowering external intervention.
Delusions or claims of grandeur is typical of great tyranny. To this day are tyrannical rulers who dominate people’s minds by official propaganda justifying and praising all their acts whether real or fictitious, fill the school books and a slavish media with their grandiose photographs and supposedly wise sayings and streets and squares with their variously posing statues. They groom their sons to take over after them and to that end appoint them to ridiculously high offices from an early age like princes training to be monarchs one day. Alternatively they may groom one of their ablest-looking as well as slavish followers who often disappoint and but also often begin a process of satanising his benefactor once he is established- Krushchev replacing and then denouncing Stalin is one example. The reason is obvious, all sycophants doting on their tyrannical boss harbour deep resentment towards the tyrant simply because they used to live under the threat of execution by the tyrant who could suddenly drop them from his favour and order their liquidation. For his part Stalin is said to have liquidated all the favourites of Lenin as well as most of the best serving top party members simply because he regarded them as rivals impossible to allow to exist.
Religion has been and remains and shall remain big business. Religiosity is programmed into the genes of a large section of people although its potency change from person to person. Some people have little of it in their genes apparently and never show much interest in religion as long as they live.
By religiosity I mean the broadest possible tendency in a man to seek meanings and aims in life which are very wide, fundamental and profound. At the one end these qualities take form in a religious faith while at the other end even God is denied but the meanings and aims sought in life are of a social and especially economic and political character. Communism is perhaps the oldest and most formulated and pursued of ideologies which share a in a psychology of very similar to the religious. To this day believing, committed Marxists take all the sayings of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin etc, as bible truth and think and analyse everything in their light and quote, defend or attack others differing from them on the basis of those Marxist ‘fathers’ statements and also often personal example. To make an analogy with Islam, a believing Marxist treats Das Kapital as a Muslim would regard the Qur’an and also regards the loose, occasional sayings and doings of Lenin for example as a Muslim would regard the Sunna.
Leaving this diversion behind, we may concentrate on the religious tyrant. This man (sometimes a woman) is after control of others and his any piety is not strong enough to remove this dirt from him. All attempts at social control is basically politics and therefore, whether recognised or admitted or not a religious tyrant is a special kind of ambitious politician who happens to employ his main hobby in life, namely religion, as an instrument to attain as much power over others as he can get. He may only attain power on any number of disciples he may make and then he may extend his influence to politics by persuading the professional politicians that thanks to his control of his disciples; he can exchange his disciples bloc votes with favours to him from the politicians. In the USA all large cultic groups like the Mormons and the Moonies join the political process on this give and take basis and their leaders rub shoulders with presidents and all other political somebodies. Their powers of manipulation are far beyond their numbers simply because they are well organised like all fanatical cultists and can and will do anything on the orders of their leader. For example, if the leadership is accused of tax fraud a specialist squad of disciples may be sent to burgle the tax office or the court to steal and destroy incriminating documents. What is even worse, the cults recruit also from among the military and the officialdom who then act as sleeping agents within the establishment.
Cults are not modern phenomena but extend all the way back in ancient history and have exercised a great share of overall control of the societies they belong to. The greatest ever cult has been the Pauline Christian church while next in power comes the Masonic brotherhood. Additionally the Christian Church has been the most fertile of all cults breeding newer and newer breakaway cults like viruses undergoing a hundred genetic transformations over time in order to beat off the immune responses of their hosts. This is not meant as a condemnation of Christianity as a religion. Mainstream Christianity shares a lot of good with Islam and is much better than all religions outside Islam. What makes it so reproductively fertile is the obscurity and fluidity of its myths which fact allows all and sundry out to cut out a small spiritual princedom for himself to formulate his divergent theology and ritual and then enrol and franchise. Add to this the number of totally unscrupulous control freaks who boldly claim to be new prophets with their own revelations and you have Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Moonies and a thousand other new religio-political movements.
It is to found and run such cults that the religious tyrant is for. Furthermore because a tyrant is fundamentally a political animal (i.e., obsessed with control of others for its own sake) he will not, if possible, stop at running a cult; he will also not hesitate to go for top political power and once there to retain that power at all cost. As a natural consequence of this sheer ambition for control a tyrant will not hesitate to shed blood as always based on an ideological (which includes religious theory) argument.
A good example of full tyranny from a religious basis is the Wahhabi movement. Ibn Abdulwahhab (d. 1787) was an Islamic scholar with an angry literal and narrow mind and could not tolerate others not sharing his literal and narrow-minded view of Islam. He preached his fiery views intensely and won the support of a local prince named ibn Saud who was as ambitious in politics as Abdulwahhab was in religious domination. With Abdulwahhab as the spiritual guide and ibn Saud as the sword it took the Wahhabi movement about half a century to subdue all the Arabian peninsula except Yemen and to become a theocratic kingdom. To get there the Saudis had to disown the Ottoman rule and caliphate, raid and kill all who opposed them on either political or theological grounds and eventually conquering both Mecca an Medina imposed on the peninsula their version of Islam which was heavily political and inquisitorial in character. In their period of expansion they sometimes killed whole local populations seeing them as kafirs and looted their property as they would of real kafirs.
The same delusion and brutality had also affected another Islamic scholar who both succeeded more rapidly and spectacularly than the Wahhabis. But his movement equally rapidly came to an end. This scholar was a man in Sudan who declared himself as the expected Mahdi, declared the Ottomans as kafirs and the caliph sultan Abdulhamid as an usurper whom he prophesied to replace on the throne. His initial successes were spectacular but soon after his death his movement and state were extinguished under the firepower of a British-Egyptian offensive. The Mahdists’ heroism was brought to nothing by the canon, the machinegun and the Springfield rifle. The whole episode was began and ended within two decades. Even the “Mahdi’s” tomb could not escape the punishment the victors inflicted on his votaries under his ‘caliph’. His shrine was pulverized by canon, body exhumed, decapitated and thrown to be lost in the muddy depths of the Nile. The British went away and prospered even more afterwards while the so-called Mahdi’s supposedly infallible predictions he claimed to have received directly from Rasulullah sws about his conquering all Islamic lands and capitals including Mecca, Medina, Cairo and Istanbul and deposing the Ottoman caliph sultan he accused as kafir came to nothing.
Wahhabis were luckier. More politically ambitious than spiritually they soon saw their limits. Gradually political and economic realities modified the Saudi regime which became extremely pro-West, especially pro-American and tolerant even if reluctantly of non-Wahhabi Muslims visiting their country, especially for hajj and umra. All vices they set out to eradicate, from drink to prostitution to financial corruption have been on the rise and most ordinary Saudis are as mainstream Muslims as anywhere else. Sufi tariqas are increasingly ignored and pilgrims to Mecca and Medina from abroad are increasingly less and less harassed for their behaviour incompatible with the Wahhabi doctrines. Their proselytising activities worldwide are only effective on similarly literal and narrow-minded souls and these souls they reward with material gains like a salaried job at a Saudi funded project or establishment. In fact many beneficiaries of Saudi money are not in the least interested in Wahhabism but pretend to tow the line or keep quite just to get the lucrative contributions. For all practical intents and purposes Wahhabism is dead as all extremist ideologies eventually become. Only their money is keeping them alive and only Allah knows how long it will last.
The majority of religious tyrants however never attain explicit political power, yet they may come to enjoy some support from some political quarters. In modern Turkey there are a few giant cults in Sufi format which enjoy tens if not hundreds of thousands of members each and they even maintain great branches in many countries, especially the Western and that mostly in Germany where more than two million immigrant turks live. At the head of one or two of these cults is the founding scholar or his descendants (or a man married to a descendant) and as such they are run like political dynasties. Taxes and gifts rain from the members and great organisations and monuments mushroom across Turkey as well as abroad. Almost all have quasi secret agendas and they relate to the re-Islamisation of Turkey as they see it. Surprisingly or not surprisingly they are jealous of each other, each regard themselves superior in doctrine and conduct to others and compete for recruits. Each have their tentacles in high places and actively conspire to become the decisive winner in political terms. Some are so prejudiced that they can only pray behind an imam of their kind thinking that an imam from any other group is not fit to lead them or preach to them.
Same patterns of prosperous groupings and political agendas also plague other Muslim countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Indonesia. Additionally in those countries the groups are more overtly political and more illegally activist than in Turkey which retains some of its Ottoman habit of better organisation by the government and more effective culture of obedience by the population to authority.
In all such organisations the leader is decisive. All hate democracy and advocate absolute rule; accordingly the ruling elite do have absolute rule over the membership as far as circumstances permit. Both the leader and his extended family members are sacred and if not themselves infallible the family members at least benefit from the infallible status of the leader (often the son-in-law of the former and dead leader). Abuses or corruption rumours sometimes move about but scared out of their wits by the blood curdling theats the leadership is wont to issue and reiterate few dare to criticise anything too openly or quit altogether. So shielded and supported the leaders continue to rule on dynastic and franchise terms i.e., they franchise most pliant and zealous-looking members as local agents of theirs and these enjoy the same cultic obedience as at the ‘capital’.
All deeply penetrate the media and in fact may have their daily newspapers, glossy, periodicals, TV and radio stations, mosques, colleges, boarding schools and great industrial and commercial concerns. In other words what modern fundamentalist Christian sects are doing in the USA their Muslim equivalents in their respective Muslim countries as well as in their Western diasporas are faithfully copycatting. All sadly look heavily worldly and especially political and it is not unknown even murder and assassination being used to settle differences in personal ambition.
In a nutshell, religion to a control-seeking personality with a big ego is as good a vehicle for the satisfaction of his ambition and these either found a cult or attain the top or a position somewhere near the top eventually at the expense of any more pious and enlightened candidates. A good example was the first (and last) caliph of the Sudanese ‘Mahdi’; he was the hand-picked candidate of the Mahdi who found in him his perfect soul-mate as well as a very competent administrator. He took over after his master was gone and successfully alienating all the best among the followers and not valuing good advice from others presided over the collapse of both the Mahdist movement and its Sudanese state.
This is the new chapter in trying all over again the impossible and therefore not allowed by Allah. No teaching preached and no organisation formed before or after the Messenger of Allah sws could ever defeat the existing world order and have a permanent as well as growing life afterwards. Allah granted this only to His last and final Prophet and Messenger sws and only well-thought and universally agreed injections of power can improve Muslims spiritual and material conditions after the Messenger sws. Islam’s birth, rise and ascendancy is the greatest miracle found in history and it shows no sign of going out. If Islam is now in physically weak hands its fortunes are by no means is in decline. It is the fastest growing religion east and west the newcomers may well help to improve its fortunes once more. From this angle terror may be seen as the Satan’s desperate attempt to subvert and reverse Islam’s spread and growth by antagonising as many people as possible in both east and west. Typical terrorist is a typical tyrant: He wants to prevail at al cost; no amount or kind of casualties either from his side or the side of the rest of people is too high for even the too unlikely prospect of political gain. Muslim or non- Muslim, any number and category of people can die because of their violent tactics; they either get what they want in full or all world collapses on the heads of all.
All sincere Muslims want Islam to succeed and prevail so that more and more men and women can get the chance to see, embrace and benefit from it. But the way to this is also part of Islam. Jehad is not only fighting with arms. It is two: Fighting with our shortcomings and scandals and fighting against those who threaten our way and wellbeing. The first is the far greater jehad and without this accomplished enough any alleged lesser jehad with arms degenerates into either wanton conquest or vain suicide.
It is Allah Who deserves all praises and may Allah’s blessings and peace be on the last and final one of His messengers, Muhammad the best of creation and on his household and companions and all that walk in their footsteps until the Day of Judgment. Amen.
The modern motto is “men are equal- they should be treated as equals”. So much is insisted on this and such a taboo made of it that no statesman, academic, writer or job applicant can afford to say otherwise and escape curse and ostracization! Yet men has barely been less equal than any time before in history. On the one hand we have the super rich among the poor majorities of poor countries and these rich are obscenely rich. Among so much incredible poverty where starvation is a daily threat for millions these live in palaces decorated and stuffed with gold. On the other we have a dozen or two of super rich nations and the rest, more than a hundred nations, have only hoards of debts and except the tiny super minority live lives from extremely frugal to plain starving. What is more, within most if not all of the each of the rich countries there again is a small super rich minority, then a majority of reasonably prosperous middle class and a large minority of relative paupers who suffer serious neglect and inofficial, unadmitted humiliation. The aged (who constitute no less then a quarter of western populations) are among the pariahs.
Having been inculcated explicitly or implicitly with godlessness and extreme wordliness Western generations dislike and shun the aged because they remind them sexual impotency and eventual death. The aged therefore can basically get no jobs after fifty and are treated indifferently and often inhumanly when they fall in the hands of those who are supposed to help them (‘ageism’ they call this prejudice, like ‘racism’, ‘sexism’ etc- mind you, traditional societies love the aged as they love children and revere them as well and seek their advice). Again, in all countries there are imperishable elites who get all the goodies, good education, good jobs, all influential positions etc. no matter whether there are far more capable (at least potentially) candidates outside the elite. It more matters whose son or daughter you are and where you graduated from than what your merits are compared to the rest of the whole population. Harvard and Yale in the USA, Oxbridge club in the UK are well-known examples. What is more ageism do not apply to these elites. They perhaps even appreciate as they near their age of dementia. Political, business and mediatic dynasties are not uncommon. Parent dies child takes over. Somebody outside the elites with ten times the intelligence and ability needs to work ad perhaps even conspire ten times harder to join the elite and found his dynasty. You see, just like the ancient kingdoms and their kindergarten the so-called nobility.
So the equality of men remains only in theory and its propaganda, rather than advancing it in practice, serves demagogues to gain power. Parties come, parties go and the elites endure.
There is palpable cynicism at all levels of societies whereby professing ideals serves each better than implementing them. Keeping up appearances is the name of the game and is pursued at all costs. Appearing somebody with some commendable beliefs and qualities is more ardently and skilfully pursued than really believing in and having the qualities in question. Mind you, ‘appearing’ as a substitute for ‘really being’ is a disease peculiar to the Western civilization which is spreading into other cultures in the course of their Westernization, like the spread of syphilis in the course of colonialism. All those makeup marvels, aesthetic plastic surgery miracles, weight-loss drives, slick salesmen trainings and political spin-doctorings… in short the multi-billion industry of ‘image manipulation’ testify to this obsession eating away the soul of the West. Have you ever been rung up by a phone salesperson who tries to sell you a fitted kitchen, double glazing etc? How irresistible their presentations are! They are trained by experts of verbal presentation and are required to parrotize their repertoires with all possible objections and answers to them memorized en bloc. They make you feel guilty if you do not accept their offer. All of which are dirty legendary conmen tactics although in itself there is nothing illegal or unethical in selling over the phone. Conmen talk in such a way that you feel compelled to please them as if they can ruin you if yo do not.
Yet people in poorer nations aren’t morally superior. If the Western education is too rational, worldly and pragmatic, and suffers from spiritual impoverishment, the non-Western ( I mean local traditional like the ‘madrassa’ or monastery system) education suffers from promoting superstition and missing the point in moral education by emphasising form, ritual and ceremony more than the spirit. I saw programs supposedly to promote Islam which keeps so much talking about prayer, fasting and pilgrimage etc that any spiritual, moral and ethical elements fail to come out as they should. It is as if they are not the ultimate goods but occasional by-products which don’t make much difference. Minarets or camels against a setting sun or a man calling to prayer and another chanting the Qur’an against a background of richly decorated domes and blazing chandeliers steal the show as if the program makers want to pass on their back-home nostalgias rather than the spirit of Islam which is moral improvement irrespective of where you are and what dress and architecture you love, above everything else. It is as if the Prophet did not say “I have not been sent except for building the noblest kinds of moral qualities and good character in people (makarim al akhlaq). It is as if he did not say “One whose prayers and fastings do not result in an improvement of his morals and manners are tiring himself in vain”. This on top of most official teachings about all religions being misguided anyhow. For example what is the point to inculcate in the masses a faith which institutionalises inequality like in a caste system or enjoins human sacrifice (like among the Maya)? Only recently was in the news that in an Asian country two innocent adolescent platonic lovers were executed by their respective families for belonging to separate castes. They had hardly touched hands.
Returning to the rich, what good can come from the rich who just indulge in their habits of enormous consumption and waste of products and services (often with offensive content like gambling and debased and sex-based entertainments) and when it comes to giving charity to the poor become extremely stingy? You hear a Western government spending hundreds of millions on a silly monument (which may subsequently be demolished for being an eyesore or a bottomless pit of expenditure) conceived in the ivory towers of civil power- holding while the same government, in response to a disaster appeal from a poor country sends a few hundred thousand pounds or dollars.
No doubt with what the rich waste the poor could be looked after like pets in rich homes. Western dogs have fabulous standards of living (including standards of medical care unthinkable for people in a poor country) while millions of children daily face starvation or sale into slavery and prostitution or even organs for transplant trade in the Third World. What good can come from the poor who are educationally and morally as neglected as economically and are easy prey for both their dictators and gangsters? Dogs do not need to be pampered. Surely they enjoy a free life more than living as if they are human family members, in the process growing arthritic and diabetic from overfeeding and lack of exercise on top of being denied a proper sex life and free reproduction as they could have in nature.
However it is equally true that among the poor nations it is often the case that the powerful treat the weak worse than street dogs and the dogs worse than rats. So, rich or poor all lack something in common-
Spiritual development. But where to find and get it?
Like every important word spiritual means many related things. For the purposes of this work we define it thus:
Having to do with that aspect of human psychology which covers one’s values and the meanings one ascribes to events and circumstances finds oneself faced with, in terms of those values. In short his good and bad, commendable and reprehensible, noble and base. And of course what are sacred and profane according to him. His faith, what intangibles he can make sacrifices for. Values!
For example lets take a Religious believer and a Marxist believer. To the first the world and its events means the existence of God as their Creator and God is the top value for him in terms of giving love and offering service to. He values all the rest on the basis of how approvable or disapprovable by God he (or she) thinks each is. For example, he sees a poor person who needs help and a better-off person he asks for help. If the latter refuses to help this has a great negative value in the sight of the religious believer. He again sees a group of people drinking and laughing and ridiculing another man who is praising God and praying Him tearfully. The religious man gives a negative value to the drinking and abusiveness of the group, he accuses them of both impiety and inhumanity and disapproves of their attitude in the belief that God also does so. Against them he approves of the fellow believer in the belief that God also approves of him. In short his world, his experiences and observations are ruled by and judged against God’s reactions to persons and their behaviours. If a sincere and committed believer and his faith is based on positive values like kindness and justice he can easily be motivated to contribute to the happiness of others and prevented from doing unjust harm to anybody.
Before we move on to the Marxist lets consider an irreligious, hedonistically motivated materialist man. Sure enough, there are such men and in fact all violent and hardened criminals who are so palpably devoid of conscience are among them. What they want from life is obtaining maximum number and kinds of material pleasures and satisfactions which they perfectly regard their right to obtain by any means fair or foul so long in their calculation they can get away with it. Hence the gang fights and assassinations among the underground gangs of drugs, prostitution or protection mafias. Hence the public brutalities on the part of terrorist groups who blow up passenger carriers or shopping centers at their most crowded.
Coming to the Marxist believer (nowadays in decline but were all the grand image attraction until nineties during the past century) he is a sort of ‘anti-religious religious believer’ if you forgive the awkward term, meaning that his beliefs, although formally anti-religious and totally materialist, in actual fact and unbeknown to him amounts, in psychological terms, to a religion of a fanatical and cultish kind with its own theology, angelology and demonology, its own paradise and hell as well as its holy war, its Armageddon and other eschatology. To a convinced Marxist, the world and its events mean this: The devils called the bourgeoisie, the capitalists, the imperialists (all related and really one class) defined as the owners of the means of production are guilty of exploiting the angels, the good guys who are the working class he affectionately and proudly calls ‘the proletariat’. His god is Nature which is supposedly working according Hegelian dynamics as re-interpreted by Marx who now becomes an infallible prophet except in name. The agents of holy war on behalf of this god, this prophet and this group of oppressed good guys are ‘saints’ and ‘savants’ like Lenin and Mao and its heroes are the likes of Trotsky and Che Guavera.
The latter is also a ‘martyr’ living in glory in the heaven of Marxist collective consciousness for all time to come. As for eschatology ‘a day will come when the righteous proletariat shall vanquish and utterly exterminate the bourgeoisie after which a paradise in the form of and utopia shall materialize in its indestructible, eternal glory. So all those ‘armed propaganda’ campaigns and violence they lead are acts of a holy war except perhaps in name, producing its own ‘ghazis’ (glorious veterans) and ‘shahids’ (martyrs).
So you see all kinds of men are possessed by beliefs and values which define their outlook on life and detemine their actions and reactions to persons and events in it.
This is the spiritual side and it is a correction and improvement in this that can end injustice and war and nothing else. The more men and women in this world are educated and conditioned so as to be equipped with best spiritual values the more justice and peace and therefore happiness we hall create around us. Has there been such an effort and experiment?