Studies CurriculumThe following curriculum has been designed to address the needs of any able interested and intelligent student with the faith and goodwill necessary, irrespective of their academic achievements. What is necessary is a great thirst for spiritual matters which Islam most comprehensively and eminently can provide. That’s because Islam is the youngest most developed and uncorrupted revelation vouch saved to the last and final of God’s messengers’, namely Muhammad may God’s peace and blessings be on him and all the true preceding prophets of God among whom our father Abraham, Moses and Jesus, upon them all be peace, occupy the most prominent and prestigious distinction in all of whom followers of Muhammad (saw) are instructed to believe. As such Islam has been the only true faith since our father Adam (a) heard Allah’s voice and through all the prophets up to their final member the most praised Muhammad (saw) the master of all spirituality until the last day.
Our curriculum is condensed into small volume yet it misses no essential; its practical to a fault and brief in the extreme without being negligent, it is not desiccated information but always fresh and often original inspiration, its aim is both simple and supreme: to manufacture the perfect servant of God as much as each person’s ability and good fortune may allow. By perfect servant we do mean a faultless person simply because faults are blessings in disguise, whose conquest is almost the only means of spiritual advancement. God being only the perfect need not change in any way instead He is there to shower us with infinite and interminable blessings. This interminability and infinity He also passed on His servant and master piece man into whom Allah blew of His very Own Spirit as severally stated in the Qur’an. No religion or scripture ever mentions or proves this point as the Qur’an does.
In conclusion our academy can countenance nor delay its strives to the best of its ability to impart all knowledge and encouragement to students to travel the path all the way to Allah until they become self sustaining reliable saints without the hubris slightest abnormality. Our graduates will look like ordinary folks with no costumes or theatrical seriousness but totally social and affable folks only distinguished through unfailing kindness, politeness and unflinching helpfulness, to be somebody by being nobody. Amen