It is Farz for Every Male as From The Age of Puberty Whose Free and Not a Slave In A Muslim Ruled Country and Living in a Town Big Enough to Have a Mosque and Enough Jamm’ah to Attend, to Attend Friday Prayers.
For Woman, Children, Slaves or Muslims Living in Non-Muslim Countries in Some Danger It Is Not Farz. These Pray Only The
- In other words the 2 Rak’ats of Jumu’ah Replaces the 4 Rak’ats of Zuhr.
Travellers Are Excepted from Jumu’ah although if possible they can attend it and will Not Need a Separate Zuhr Prayer.
- A Traveller (Seferi) Is a Person Who Travels 54 miles From Home Or More and Does Not Stay More Than 2 Weeks Anywhere. Whether he stays the 15 days or not doesn’t matter as much as the intention (what his genuine plans are).
If He Intends to Remain More Than 2 Weeks he Becomes Residents (Muqeen) Of The Place He So Stays At and All Faraa’iz Applying to Muqeems Apply to Him Aswell.
If you want to stay more than two weeks then you are a travellor only for the ‘going’ and returning’ journeys.
If He Stops in a Town but he does Not Know When He Will Leave From Expecting That to Happen from Day to Day, He Remains a Traveller However Long it Takes.
- In the ‘Seferi’ States he then Continues to Pray all 4 Rak’ats Faraa’iz Only Two Leaving the Magrib at Three.
If He is Asked to Act as Imam He Warns the Jemm’at That He’s Seferi, He Will Pray Only 2 Rak’ats and as Soon as he Gives Salaam His Jemm’at Do Not Give Salaam But Get Up to Complete the Rest of Their Salah. Still it is Better for Imam Not to be Seferi Unless he is Important Alim.
- Jumu’ah Time Is The Same As Zuhr Time but on very hot days it can be prayed later within time rather than earlier to avoid harm to people. It does no harm on such days for Ummah even to cross a bit into Asr time.
Originally no Azan was called outside the mosque people came prayed the first Sunnah of 4 Rak’ats if not already done so at home and the Imam ascends the Mimbar and facing the Imam the Muazzin calls the Azan.
But during Sayidina Uthman’s time, because Madina became a big town and people were busier with their trade and employment another earlier Azan just like the normal Zuhr Azan was installed. Because it was done by Khalipha-tur-rasulullah(The Messenger of Allah’s successors in authority), this also came as part of the Shari’ah.
- At Khutba Imam rises up after the Azan is called and his Khutba must include the following.
- Hamd to Allah
- Kelimatusshahadah
- Salaat wa Salaam on Rasulullah
- And some preaching using some verses from the Qur’an.
Once this is done Imam sits down briefly, then gets up again and gives Hamd to Allah again, says the Shahaadah, says plenty of Salaat wa Salaam on Rasulullah and he may then pray loudly for Jema’aat to hear and say Amin or pray silently.
The last thing Imam says before getting down was installed by Sayidina Umar ibn Abdul Aziz the Ummayi Khalipha who was pious like the first four Kaliphs. It is the verse:
“Indeed Allah bids justice and graceful charity and giving to the kith and kin and forbids indecency, disreputable acts and aggression, admonishing you in order that you take heed.
The Kamaat is made and the Imam leads two Rak’ats of Jumu’ah. People are now free to go away but for more blessing 4 Rak’ats last Sunnah and another 2 Rak’ats Sunnatul Waqt (practise the last 2 Rak’ats of Zuhr) may be added.
- In Turkish tradition coming from central
Incase Jumu’ah is not Farz for the reason that one is not sure the government he lives under is a Muslim government or it is entirely a Non-Muslim government.
The extra 4 Rak’ats is called Zuhr al Aakhiru.
The Khutba of the Jumu’ah is Farz and not attending Khutba without excuse is a sin and damage your service.
This is special to Ramadan and is done after eesha(Night Prayer) but before Witr Prayer.
- According to some reports it is only 8 Rak’ats.
- According to other it is 20 Rak’ats.
- It is Nafl but should not be missed because of the blessings of Ramadan includes this prayer.
- It can be prayed both alone and in Jema’at and Jema’at is better.
- It can be prayed by giving Salam every 2 Rak’at or every 4 Rak’at.
These can be done on the first day of Eid. After the sun rises about (2 man’s) length, and it is not to be delayed for some reason, in any case it must be done before noon.
- It is Sunnah Muekkede or according to Hanifiye it is Waajib on all those for whom Jumu’ah is Farz.
In the Eid prayer there are 6 extra tekbirs
The first three follows the Subhanaka. In each Tekbir the hands are raised to the ears then dropped to the sides. After the third hands are brought together and Qira’at is done. Then Ruku, and sejdeh, and the Second Rak’at where Imam again makes Qira’at at the end of Qira’at three extra Tekbirs and one normal Tekbir to go to Ruku is done, and then the rest is normal.
After Eid Prayer Khutba is said and it is part of the Eid prayer and people must sit and listen.
- If the Eid Prayer cannot be said on the first day then they can be done on the following days, the latest being Asr of the next day.
The case of Uzur or Excuse. Excuse can be present in all forms of Ibaadeh.
- If the water will harm the person he can make do with Tayammum.
- If washing will harm a part like a hand or a finger or part of a foot, one needs not to wash that part.
If there is a bandage over a wound that part will not be washed but only wrapped over with wet hands.
- If the Uzur is constant issue of filthy body fluids or gas and it will not stop within the time span of a given Salah, Wudu is made and Salah done regardless of what is coming out. But every Salah time new Wudu must be done.
The same excuses apply to Ghusl. You only wash the parts you can safely do or not wash at all but make Tayammum. Incidentally, if there is no dry earth to use, any day dirty surface will do for Tayammum.
Woman in their periods cannot pray or fast and read the qur’an or make tawaf, however prayers are forgiven but fasting must be made kaza later.
If because of physical obstacles or health dangers or bodily handicap one can not do one part of Salah then he can just leave it and do the rest, e.g. if he cannot stand, he can pray sitting.
If he cannot make Sejdeh to the ground he can just bow while sitting bowing more then he would do for Ruku, while sitting.
If he is lying on his back unable to move any part he can make jestures with his head.
If that is too much he can use his eyelids only opening and closing them imitating Ruku and Sejdeh.
When Salah times do not follow their normal sequence like in a country too far in North in summer or flying in a plane or space craft or another planet, clock times can be used to spread over the Salahs at reasonable intervals and that is enough.
The Two Sejdehs compensating something forgotten.
- If you forget to do anything Farz in your Salah you must repeat it.
If what you forgot is Waajib and you forgot the Waajib entirely or could do it only with some delay then you can make up by doing two more Sejdehs after Salaam and saying ‘Ettehiyaatu’ and the rest and giving another 2 Salams.
Waajib is reading Fatiha, and sitting after 2 Rak’ats. If you forget any of these or if you sit after a Rak’at when you shouldn’t, such distortions can be compensated by Sejdeh Sehr. One must get up and pray the necessary extra 1 or 2 Rak’ats whichever it is, then sit, read Ettehiyaatu, give Salaam and make Sejdeh Sehr, and finish as normal.
1. A Tekbir. You must say ‘Allahu Akbar’ fully.
2. Reading Fatiha according to Abu Hanife’s pupils Fatiha is Farz.
3. Reading Fatiha only once and not twice is Waajib. Reading Fatiha before any other part of the Qur’an is Waajib.
4. Adding extra Qur’an to Fatiha when indicated is Waajib. According to pupils that is only Sunnah.
5. Reading the Qira’at at Zuhr and Asr silently is Wajib.
It is recommended to pray occasionally like in Holy nights e.g. Lailatul Qadr a 4 Rak’at Salah exactly like the first Sunnah of Zuhr, but reciting 75 Tesbihs in each Rak’at which Tesbih is,
“Subhanallahi, walhamdulillahi, wa La ilahe Illahu wallahu
These are read 15X after the ‘Subhanaka’, then 10X after finishing the Qur’an, then in Ruku after ‘Subhana Rabbeel Azeem, then 10X at Qawaamah, then at Sejdeh 10X, between first and second Sejdeh 10X, and then in second Sejdeh which all make 75X.
All the other 3 Rak’ats like this.
When you need an answer to a dilemma you cannot resolve, you can pray 2 Rak’at and after Salam you can pray a special Du’a taught by Rasulullah (saaws).
“O Allah, I seek the good in Thy knowledge and seek power in Thy power and ask of Thy great generosity. It is Thou and not we who decides and Thou and not we who know. Though art Full Knower of all secrets. O Allah if Thou knowest that what I intend to do (name the desire) is good for me for my faith and livelihood or for my near and far future then please let it happen and bless it and make it easy for me. If Thou knowest that it is bad for me then please turn it away from me and Me away from it and instead give me what is good for me and make me pleased with it”. You do this last thing before you go to bed. Then in your dream the answer shall be given to you. If you see in your dream white or green something this indicates that your preferred or desired option is approved. If you see black or reds it is disapproved.
If you see nothing you can repeat up to seven nights.
Sometimes it is said that the first feeling after you wake up may indicate what you should do but be careful.
Before making Istikhara take advice. Istikhara is a last resort and should not be abused.
If you commit a great sin and are very anxious whether Allah may forgive you first you must see whether you can actually repair the damage you did or repay any right you took from others. Only reparation and return of rights can save you from Allah’s anger. Incase these are impossible for some reason or you need extra comfort in your conscience you go to a place where nobody can see you like in open grounds and pray two Rak’ats, and in the end pray for your forgiveness in best words you can devise, and then go out and work some charity until your heart feels comfortable.
When rains don’t come as needed Muslims as a group can go out into the fields wearing humble clothes sometimes wearing things inside out and pray behind an Imam two Rak’ats. They may take along woman and children and some animals to show to Allah and ask mercy on their behalf, after Salah the Imam prays for rain and Jama’at says Amin.
There are also Salahs for the eclipse of the sun or the moon thereby registering our recognition of Allah’s power.
Pray to rik’ats salat as normal but with the intention that it is a salat-e hajat for Allah’s sake. At the end recite the following dua:
O Allah, I ask Thee the success of the guided and the deeds of the convinced and the sincerity of the repentant and the determination of the patient and the gnosis of the learned so that I fear Thee enough. O Allah I beg of the such fear of Thee as to drive me away from disobeying Thee and so as I act as one obedient to Thee acts with which I earn Thy pleasure, so as I behave sincerely towards Thee by repentance from fearing Thee and until I purify my goodwill for Thy love’s sake and until I entirely put my trust in Thee in all affairs full of good opinion about Thee. High Exalted are Thou the Creator of Light! Amen.
(then articulate your wish specifically and say salawat on Rasul sws and hamd to Allah and end with al Fatiha). May ALLAH GRANT YOU ALL YOUR GOOD WISHES.
Two Rak’ats after the sun rises to about a man’s height, this is called Salaa tul Israaq.
From Two to Eight Rak’ats after the sun reaches about Two man’s height until about 30 minutes before Noon. This is called Salaa tud Duha. A Hadith tells us that this is Sadaqa for the health for our bodies and organs.
Six Rak’ats after Magrib prayer which is called Salaa tul Awwabeen.
From Two to Eight Rak’ats Salaa tut Tahajjud after waking up from your night sleep but yet it is not the time for the morning prayer. In the case of praying this Salah you also add to it the Witr.
When just the sun is rising or is at the very top or when just setting, praying Salah is Mekruh except when you are trying to squeeze in your delayed Asr prayer.
Similarly morning prayer can be attempted if the sun did not appear yet despite being very close.
Again there is no Salah between Asr and Magrib and between sun rise until the Israq and no Nafl between Fajr and
1. Outside health and safety reason you cannot lean against anything.
2. You cannot rock.
3. You cannot interfere with insects or animals except when dangerous.
4. You cannot spit or smell things or fan yourself.
5. You must put all parts of your body in their proper places like putting palms on the knees during Ruku and not your thighs or legs.
6. On kneeling or prostrating knees should be put down before the hands.
7. You must not lay your forearms on the ground only put your palms.
8. The left foot should be put horizontally when sitting while the right foot vertical.
9. You should not hurry or blur your postures. Each posture must take it’s time.
10. You must not stretch or if possible yawn and if yawning you must block your mouth with the left hand.
11. You must not deliberately cough, blow or make sounds unrelated to Qur’an or Tesbih.
12. You must not keep objects in your mouth or swallow anything unless tiny amounts and accidentally.
13. You must not pray when you are hungry and when food is ready except in Ramadan.
14. You must not hurry or cut in Tesbih without good reason.
15. You must not play with anything like pebbles or small objects.
16. You must not pray on a ground whose owner may not allow you. So it is disrespect to pray on a pavement.
17. You must not pray in noisy or anxious places where your mind cannot settle except when there is no alternative.
18. You cannot face any fire or burning light during Namaz, or you cannot face anybody facing you, but you can discreetly help a baby or something without changing your direction or postures.
19. You can instantly cover up if any part that should be covered opens or remove any obstacle which can interfere with your Namaz but always with a single and brief action.
20. You should not pray with any Haram on you like stolen money or clothes whose owner’s did not permit you.
21. You cannot answer calls or questions or return Salam.
22. You should not pray while you are too drowsy or when your mind is similarly very clouded or too anxious like in terror or too hungry or exhausted but must wait to recover.
23. You should not pray when you need to visit the toilet or attend to some business which cannot wait but only after relieving your distress.
1. Any word outside words allowed during Salah annuls Salah.
2. Crying or weeping or groaning about anything which is of this world.
3. Clearing the throat or sighing ‘Ah’ or other sounds without any compulsion annuls Salah.
4. Responding to any word or jesture from people outside or from fellow worshippers annuls Salah, but you may once warn somebody not knowing that you are praying but wants something from you by saying ‘Subhanallah’ or raising your voice in reading the qur’an, to make somebody calling you understand that you are in Prayer.
5. Any silly requests or sinful prayers annuls Salah.
6. Orders like move forward or aside should not be obeyed and the Musally should stay put.
7. Correcting Imam or others annuls the Salah, but reminding what come next may not.
8. Moving a little bit without lifting the feet from the ground in an emergency or for convenience of others on your own will and nor on instruction by others does not annul the Salah.
9. Replacing a fallen cap quickly and once does not annul the Salah.
10. Removing shoes does not annul the Salah.
11. Reading any written detail even if it is a page from the Qur’an annuls the Salah, but any writing which is recognised by a single look accidentally does not annul.
12. Deflecting from the direction of the Qibla only too briefly or accidentally does not annul provided the direction is quickly retaken.