Being closer in time to us the history of Christianity serves as the best example how a religion is born and evolves and branches off into a hundred sects over so many disagreements, fights, conspiracies and even murders, assassinations and massacres. When one learns about such twists and turns, adventures and misadventures one realises that it is one thing to profess a religion and claim that it is the truth and quite another what the founder of that religion had in mind. We saw it in Buddhism and Zoroastrianism. Yet the history of Christianity serves as the best (or worst) show case for analysing and demonstrating in minute detail how a founder begins to preach and teach and how his real or self-appointed disciples may make a mess of it in all sincerity or otherwise.
We have already seen on several occasions that both Christian doctrine and rituals have had antecedents and precedents in older paganisms which filtered into Christianity through the mystical offshoots of these pagan religions, like the Mithra and Isis worship. These on top of sayings and acts ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels which for their part show some influence of the mysteries. The most culpable among all Gospels is admittedly that of John.
We shall also have occasion to see how the birth and development of Islam went through similar if far less serious twists and turns and how some sects came about and almost totally transformed it into unrecognisable forms. In the end we hope to see better what went more or less wrong where and when and hopefully offer some humble remedies in the not too realistic hope that something can be done about any mistakes.
By all accounts based on existing documents from the Bible down Christianity should not exist as a claimant of the legacy of its chief hero Jesus Christ. This pure blood Jewish prophet was no different than those few charismatic Jewish prophets before him, like Isaiah. Like them he strongly criticised his contemporary Jews and thereby antagonised their powerful leaders as expected. He in no uncertain terms charged them with hypocrisy, greed and inequity and reminded them religion was about moral self-improvement and spiritual ennoblement. In the course of these policies he strongly implied the metaphoric nature of religious indoctrination and as such used many wonderful parables (fictional moral stories) to drive his points home. Used to high prestige, authority and comforts as well as deeply involved with the colonising Roman establishment in Palestine the Jewish high priesthood resented such criticisms and looked on with horror at this new prophet’s daring challenge of their authority and conduct and the common people’s attraction to him. He called them with appellations like vipers and scorpions and at one point raided and savaged the
He more than once indicated that he was sent to
This is exactly the picture our Qur’an paints of all prophets without exception. In his reported speeches, there is hardly anything to suggest that he was less than this clear and this practical; he hardly talks about his position as more than an obedient servant and messenger of God and knows nothing about what later generations would make of him in their fanciful imaginations. He frankly admitted his subjection to and helplessness before God Whom he called as ‘Father’ ‘a la Judaica’ and himself ‘son’ meaning servant again a la Judaica. Of course we can never be sure that these appellations were really used by Jesus but even if he did it is transparent from the contexts and occasions that he did not mean anything ontological or theological but as just following the semantic customs of the Jews. To wit, the Old Testament is full of such appellations and for example quotes God saying to David “O David, thou art my son- today I have begotten thee”! In practical terms Jesus failed and the salvation of the Jews and also the rest of the humankind had to await another chance from Heaven.
The early church (community of believers), was formed around St James, the brother of Jesus and included all the closest disciples and those joining them. It was another Jewish group and in full observation of the Law of Torah. There was not the slightest tint or hint to suggest that the new group wanted anything other than Jews leading more pious lives as taught and exemplified by the new prophet Jesus who now was believed to be the expected if failed Messiah. All was not gloom and doom though; Just before his departure Jesus had promised them that another saviour would be sent to them to pick up from where he Jesus had left and named him as the Paraclete. Since he did not speak Greek but Aramaic this name Paraclete should be something else in Aramaic. Jesus seems to explain him in other terms as well, like the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit but then goes on and describes him as a man into whose ear God would pronounce and in whose mouth put his word. This almost explicit reference to a subsequent messenger from God is passed over by later Christians for reasons only they can explain. Yet, we have evidence that some later Christians saw this new envoy from God as a prophet to sort out the mess left by the Christ’s hasty and precipitous departure and one Montanus claimed this title of Paraclete for himself and for a while did a lot of business with it. We shall have occasion to describe him a bit more later.
This early church was in for a trial and a shock though. A certain young Pharisee (religious scholar) named Saul was about to knock on their door for acceptance in appearance but for hijacking the new sect in a way that could not be stopped. He had not met Jesus and knew next to nothing about him, yet he ended up claiming that he knew Jesus better than Jusus knew himself, as we shall soon see.
He began his career as an implacable enemy of the
What is more, he made a speciality of meeting and converting gentiles to his new sect, his sect because it was no longer the teachings of the historical Christ about which Saul knew almost nothing and in fact could not care less. Barnabas was alarmed and eventually the two split up and Saul who renamed himself with the Greek-Roman name Paul abandoned all pretence to be a member of the apostolic church and travelled all the way to Rome with stopovers in all major towns to spread his sect and to found local communities (churches) answerable to himself. En passante a few words may be said about a gospel attributed to this Barnabas. In rather modern times a gospel was found in the library of
Firstly, in the Pakistani edition the name of our Prophet sws is fully given- Muhammad sws. This is the first blunder. Allah says in the Qur’an that the name Jesus AS used for the prophet to come after him was ‘Ahmad’ and not ‘Muhammad’ sws. This mistakeke may be committed by our brothers or by the Raggs or by the original author of this dubious gospel. Secondly the story of how Mary conceived Jesus and bore him etc. agrees more with the existing gospels than the Qur’an. This may indicate that the original writer of this gospel was a Christian convert to Islam and took his revenge on his old religion by either inventing a new gospel or modifying an existing one to make it more Islamic but knowing not quite well what the Islamic position was he could only improve upon the existing four Christian gospels as well as he could. Still, this Gospel of Barnabas has such great literary merit and spiritual clout that it cannot be dismissed out of hand. It looks as if some really great material has been unnecessarily adulterated by some cheap forgeries to close any gaps between a version more agreeable to more naïve Muslims and the true version; for there must be a true version since we have ample evidence that a gospel attributed to Barnabas was already in circulation as early as the fourth century.
Secondly, I have personally seen in the
To return to our story: The disciples at the Jerusalem (Apostolic) church under James and then Peter, in an eventual sense, did not fare as well as this audacious and enterprising missionary which was selling his own product and operating in the vast gentile market stood infinitely higher chance to make far more converts. In the beginning though it did not look so; the Jerusalem church was making steady if modest advance among the Jews throughout Syria and Palestine but great trouble was in the hatching to deliver them a blow. Exasperated by Jewish conspiracies and rebellions against it the Roman government felt it had to remove this threat as radically as it would take. About a generation after the demise of Jesus the Roman armies swept to
According to the Acts it was Paul who took Christianity to
The motives of
No sooner
This left some differently talented and ambitious churchmen out; such types could not come up with the same daring and conspiratorial skills of the more politically talented and oriented rivals; instead they had more imagination than political skill and had to set up their own territory in other ways within or if necessary without the church, in order to satisfy their egos hungering for power. For example, in the 2nd century a certain Phrygian ascetic Montanus claimed that he was fed up with the corruption in the church and among the Christians and demanded a return to the original purity of the religion; he claimed to be a prophet and he and his two female disciples, Priscilla and Maximilla, joined him falling in trance and prophesying. For his part Montanus played his role with such multi-Oscar winning fashion that his followers declared him the Paraclete promised by the Christ.
He warned that the end was near and a new Jerusalem would descend from heaven upon a neighbouring plain to give good Christians their new eternal home (you see,
This episode shows us at east three regularly happening religious delusions. One, it is always possible that no matter what scripture or genuine prophecy says some too ambitious people will claim to be new prophets or promised Paracletes or Mahdis. Two, these can put up a brilliant performance which will prove irresistible to large numbers of people, and three, they will issue Messianic or eschatological promises which not ony fail to materialise in a most ridiculous way but also the deceived believers will not admit their delusion and will quite happily go back to await the next similar prophecy and its fulfilment. This pattern of events repeated itself so many times in history that many spiritual deludeds or charismatic conmen cannot resist re-heating and re-serving the same formula in order to have their days of glory and possibly also profit. Although generally more sanguine and less gullible Muslims also have had their own share of such delusional or defrauding experiments and experiences this line of spiritual exploitation remains mainly a Christian speciality. The Muslim exploitative speciality is Jehad which concept and institution is sometimes regarded by some politically ambitious but otherwise sidelined people as their only hope to realise their dreams of rulership.