Sex instinct is created to serve two complementary aims: procreation and socialisation.
Procreation first. All higher animals are bisexual, that is two say they come in two types- male and female. The offspring springs fro
In man such contests are not missing but they are often engaged in more subtle ways such as several men aiming at marrying the same woman and probing their way by rival bids, often indirectly through intermediaries. What is more, it is often not only the woman so desired who makes or announces the choice but her guardians like parents and other kin. This shift of decision-making authority from the female herself to her kin reflects the economic and political necessities her family must take into account, political like tribal alliances and economic like an increase or decrease in assets. As a result it amounts to no oppression of females but to a wider perspective of the potential long-terms results from the marriage and girls and to a lesser extent perhaps boys also are habituated to the idea that their elders know best. The more freedom to marry whom we want in our time may look to result fro
We may gladly observe in passing however that the Prophet did not leave the matters entirely as they were in his time: he strongly advised that in matches the mutual feelings of prospective partners should be taken account of and most preferably accommodated. In actual fact he advised that divorcee women should have the right to say yes or no to proposals made to her while virgins’ consent, if not already voiced by them, could be deduced from their silence and blushing. It was such that the Prophet gave his daughter our mother Fatima to our master Ali; Ali went to the Prophet to ask for Fatima’s hand but could not speak out out of shyness; the Prophet could easily read his mind and told him so and also his acceptance. He then went to his daughter Fatima and put the offer to her whereupon she blushed and could not say a word. They were soon duly married. Isla
An extension of the legally sanctioned procreation arrangement, namely marriage is polygamy. Before Islam this area was totally unregulated; a man could marry any number of women if given him by their guardians and divorce any at the drop of a hat so-to-speak. Islam did not abolish polygamy but placed stricter controls on it.
Before we say what those are we need to explore the justifications for polygamy if any. Firstly polygamy is not peculiar to man but to many other animals. Lions are the most well-known species as regards this issue. A dominant lion emerges from semi-serious battles who then wins the lordship of a pride of lions consisting of lionesses and their cubs of both sexes and various ages. Usually the new lord evicts the older cubs lest they soon begin to challenge him while he may kill at least some young cubs, who being suckled by lionesses may make the latter unavailable for mating with the lord. This is wild and cruel to us but among lions it is a matter-of-factly accepted state of affairs. The overall result is the vital improved state of the pride: the individuals keep becoming healthier and stronger lions in an environment where even smallest defects in a group can spell extinction for them in the face of stronger rivals.
This is the case with human beings today as well and as true as it was yesterday. Companies rise and fall on the basis of smallest margins of advantage, take-overs scavenge the not successful enough and survivors must battle on as desperately as lions do against lions, or lions against hyenas etc. The only difference is that men being organised on far vaster scales and far more variegated forms have other factors to play against each other like law and morality, espionage and forming alliances. Yet as far as mating (marriage) is concerned the need for some polygamy remains since like in other polygamous species there is always a surplus of females because of the higher mortality among males as well as some both financial and sexual incapacity. The surplus women have needs like all other sisters of theirs and one way or another must find a male to satisfy them. If polygamy for abler males is denied it is inevitably replaced by prostitution and mistress-taking to the greater disadvantage of the women. After all, in Islam polygamy is not a commandment, nor it is encouraged at all but a sadly acknowledged necessity in certain cases whose alternatives are worse. Read if you wish:
“If you are afraid of not doing justice to orphans then marry women you who look good to you, two, three or four of them. If you are afraid of being unable to treat them equally well then only one or (if you cannot afford marriage) then make do with what you own (slave women). This is closer to not departing from fairness (4: 3)
Of course this verse reflects the state of affairs all over the world at the time which was not peculiar to
The verse above came down in the wake of the battles fought by Muslims under their Prophet or commanders he appointed in which battles the Muslim male casualties and proliferation of widows and orphans made the ancient institution of polygamy even more precious for addressing the problems so created. A similar situation arose in the West after each of the two world wars of the twentieth century and because polygamy was not allowed the far worse solution of promiscuity came along; women slept casually with men they could find, they got no compensation let alone security in return and had to either bear fatherless children or abort. That was the trigger to build the so-called welfare state in
All in all, Islam liberated sex from the opprobrium Christianity had unwisely put on it and thus avoided the sordid excesses of it Christians had to fall into. It was because of the laws of cause and effect which says, each action creates a reaction equal to it in magnitude and opposite to it in direction. By satanising sex too much Christians caused a backlash among themselves and ended up deifying it. Nowadays sex is such an all-consuming concept, subject, obsession and pastime in the West that its new religion may be called ‘sexolatry’, the worship or cult of the sex! With this as it is the West should not be called ‘secular’, a better term for its creed may be ‘sexual’!
Is polygamy feasible today? Why not, is not human rights saying that consenting adults can engage in any kind of sexual relationships? Are not people today engaging in two-some, three-some, hetero- and homo-sexual activities and mixed orgies of all sizes and shapes? Are not some richer or powerful men having regular and at times stable access to more than one woman whatever the status of each? Are not some women even having their harems of men by juggling between the
We are not saying that polygamy is better than monogamy; it is not and both Allah and His Messenger grant that. In the verse above Allah ends his options for marriage with monogamy while the Prophet is on record for asking women not to be hurt by unnecessary polygamous desires by their husbands. A good example very close to the Prophet was the desire of Ali to marry another woman on top of Fatima the daughter of the prophet and Ali’s first and only wife then.
Even more tellingly the Prophet, contrary to all the malicious thoughts of his European critics observed pure monogamy so long his wife Khatija was alive, despite she being fifteen years his senior and most probably no longer a sexual partner for the last ten years of their marriage. Only after her death and a long mourning he was ready to marry again and surprise surprise he opted for another old woman, namely strong Muslima Sauda bint Za’ma who was of his age, i.e. over fifty. His string of marriages came after he moved to
Other wives were married on either compassionate or political grounds (to reconcile the hearts of recently conquered enemies from which he chose a wife); all except Umar’s widowed daughter Hafsa were old by the standards of the times and ex-wives of others, mostly martyrs and with children from their earlier marriages. The one thing which distinguished these wives was their intelligence; apparently the Prophet valued intelligence in women at least as much as handsomeness and the two, by the testimony of physiological science, often go hand in hand since handsomeness and intelligence are genetically based and also related. Exceptions do exist but as the saying goes ‘exceptions prove the rule’. Why intelligence? Because, after him it would be these exceptional ladies who would teach and guide Muslims, women as well as men contemporaries of theirs. And that is what actually happened. In appreciation, Umar, when he was made caliph, appointed monthly stipends for these ‘mothers of the believers’ and all caliphs after him continued with the practice. They were not only the reminders to Muslims of their sorely missed Prophet but also professsors of ‘prophetology’ if we may call them so. Who could know the Prophet at closer range and as intimately as they, the Prophet whose every little word, act, gaze and facial expression conveyed so much in and about human perfection?
This phenomenon, namely people hiring other people for sex, is not ‘the oldest profession’ for sure; that merit goes to priesthood; even the hunter-gatherers before farming was invented had their shamans while having no prostitutes; after all shamanism is about leadership and even many lowest animals like bees and ants have their leaders. For example, flocks of birds take their directional orders fro
Prostitution seems to have begun with farming revolution when private land ownership created social class alongside priesthood. We see this economy-based class structure survive to this day among Hindus who as such constitute for us a living social fossil. Among them the Brahmins, their priestly class form the top of the social pyramid under which come the inevitable warrior class indispensable to help the Brahmins to keep their eminent position and in return share some of their influence and prosperity. Then come the merchants and tradesmen class who form the third and last level of freemen. At the botto
In more modern times prostitution is entirely divorced from religion and in fact became a profanity; prostitutes command no respect and enjoy no rights in actual fact. They are both desired and despised, the epithet of ‘prostitute’ being one of the most damning form of address to any woman. Although there have been privately working prostitutes, privately because such are beautiful and intelligent women who are after wealth and influence and at least sexually too unscrupulous to worry about their honour; such sibyls dotted great cities of pre-modern West like Paris and moved about palaces and lordly mansions and other common venues of the richer classes. They were openly known but too much appreciated and desired to be insulted or persecuted. When attached to one man such a high class prostitute was called a mistress and more or less performed the function of a polygamous second, third etc. wife minus some of the rights of such wives in Islam. Almost all Western kings had such mistresses, often more than one, in rather long term relationships and what is more, children born of such relationships were often if informally admitted as the genuine sons of the lord concerned. Among such ‘bastards’ some even ascended the throne of their fathers and in case of bishops their bishopric office. Even popes were not above taking mistresses, producing bastards and then appointing the same as bishops while still young boys. I draw the attention of my dear readers how similar was this practice to Islamic polygamy in its sexual aspect and disadvantageously dissimilar in the risks it poses to all parties, the mistress-taking man, the insecurity of and the contempt for the mistress and the very possible plight of the children born of such relationships.
All in all, there is little doubt that the inevitable phenomenon of one man accessing many women in a breeding mode is regulated and made juster in Islam while it is unregulated and abandoned to its fate in non-Islam: the practice is the same; the effects and results could not be more different except in the case of very powerful men being responsible and taking good care of both their mistresses and bastards. This last case makes it almost Islamic polygamy minus the unnecessary and unhelpful shame side. Polygamy is natural to a lot of higher animals and regulating it must be a far better arrangement than satanising and banning it. And its volume has never been a problem in Islam. Overall, polygamous marriages among Muslims did not exceed one or two percent of all marriages simply because few could afford it or could cope with its demands and responsibilities. On the main, it remained the domain of powerful men as in the West where it was practiced in the illegal form of lover-taking over a wife and occasional reproduction through the lover.
But accessing more than one woman out of sexual hunger or desire for variety need not remain the domain of financially and politically powerful men. Far less men with strong sexual urges (and few are without when young) also sought it but given their humble means they could only afford hiring a woman instead of buying it. It was like hiring a car once in a while instead of buying one. It is this arrangement that we now understand to mean prostitution. The usual arrangement is business-like: a company of men and often also women set up a business whose aim is to recruit and provide prostitutes to paying customers. The form of actual arrangement depends on the laws of the country it will operate in. In the
As for its higher and more luxurious and lucrative forms we may point at those almost openly advertising businesses advertising under names like sauna, massage parlour and the like and openly boast of their ‘girls’ whose obscene curvy photos accompany the advert. Again, the police do nothing. Lastly, many prostitutes are young women lured into this country from poorer countries with a false promise of some respectable employment and then pressed into prostitution in its various forms. On the continent, prostitution is legalised with equal shamelessness and thereby taxed. Still high class prostitution remains the domain of criminal gangs who pay no taxes but far less costing bribes plus the cost of thugs with guns to fight against rival gangs.
From all above about prostitution we can see that it promotes sexual promiscuity with all its very serious dangers to human health; if the chief bogeyman is AIDS today it was syphilis in the preceding centuries which syphilis has in fact made a comeback thanks to the increasing promiscuity through prostitution or otherwise. Uttering these words is one thing, realising what terrible experiences they point to is quite another. AIDS for example is a deadly epidemic in some poorer countries which kills hundreds of thousands a year irrespective of their culpability in the matter which is often next to nothing: both the abusing and abused adults and children born to abused women pay the same penalty- a life of lingering in pain and a slow death of the most horrible kind, the sufferer falling to pieces from inside. All such tragedy for what? To have sexual experience outside what God allows! Is it really worth it, even slightly? Is it only the health side which is regrettable? All involved in prostitution suffer in many other ways and may be said to live in hell: even the top bosses have their share of hell, not the least because each capo (boss) is in constant fear of his rivals with whom he competes for territory, human resources and buying of the forces of law. Add to it all other fields of illegal business activities each with their own rivals and vendettas and you can imagine what the life of a capo and his cronies is like.
No gang fully specialises in a single field; each need a share in drugs, human trafficking and organs for transplant and false documents as well as illegal arms dealings if they want to grow and compete. So, prostitution is not a solitary phenomenon of curse and tragedy but just one bad apple in the same basket with other abominations of Western culture which is a malignant end-product of a misguided and deluded Christian past. By abandoning the real Jesus Christ the great Jewish prophet in favour of a synthetic Greek version of the same the West condemned itself first to a Dark Age and after, in reaction to it, to a Godless (or rather ‘sexolatrous’) civilisation which has been attempting to reconcile two irreconcilable things: For people having no God inside the
To conclude, prostitution victimises a lot of women by enslaving, degrading, degenerating and often making them very ill; it amounts to exploitation and wasting of otherwise very valuable sisters of ours and brings in its wake, quite inevitably, many other branches of great crime. It rots and corrupts a large segment of society, both men and women, prevents or destroys families, shifts wealth to the most undeserving away from those innocently needy. It creates a moving panorama of depravity and misery hardly any other activity other than total war can cause although the pathological signs of prostitution are more like those in deep organs like heart and liver than those on the surface like war wounds.
Islam’s attitude towards prostitution is two-fold: It cannot incriminate and condemn its perpetrators and cannot excuse its victims the unwilling prostitutes more. Read if you wish:
“Do not press your girls wanting to remain chaste into prostitution in pursuit of the transitory benefits of this world. Whoever forces them thus then because of the compulsion applied to them Allah will be mercifully forgiving towards them” (24: 33)
Compelling people into sinful (read shameless and harmful) activities is greater a sin than the sum total of all sins committed by all interested parties in the carnival of sin and while those compelled are excused by Allah and also compensated with Paradise at the latest those who compelled the
This abomination is cheating on the conjugal rights of one’s legal spouse. Not much explanation or argument is necessary to demonstrate what an unjust and dirty act it is. Even in our time and our extremely permissive Western environment it is one of the causes of murder at the worst and of various forms of unhappiness, some at a suicidal level on the part of the cheated as well as any abused party. On top of concealing parentage and mixing up various rights and obligations, like maintenance and inheritance it also is part of the network of venereal illness spreading. All this trouble and shame for just bedding another person whose conjugal rights belong to another partner.
Marriage is not a mutual dedication of sexual favours between two persons of the opposite sex alone- it is also an arrangement for joint responsibilities like procreating and raising children and obligations of each towards the rest, all wrapped up in a financial packet whose dissipation will have serious consequences for all.
What suffering adultery causes to an innocent partner is almost beyond endurance for that innocent party on top of the hurt caused to any joint children. Suddenly these innocents find themselves practically bereaved of a partner or parent, robbed of their stable and cosy lifestyle despite some problems which are always there more or less and one parent eternally shamed together with the other person who stole the shamed one from his or her family. The tectonic damage extends far and wide into the in-laws territory, lots of plans and certainties are upset, once happy relationships are killed by poisoning. All this just extortionate bill is foolishly and criminally paid to change the sex organ in one partner for another in another partner. If that was necessary it could be far less traumatic and slightly more honourable to first divorce from the first partner, pay the compensation going with it and then slip away in the pursuit of the new and no different sex organ. Please do not misunderstand: divorce is legitimate if discouraged in Islam, but its grounds should be more serious than acquiring a new love. In case the partner divorced fro