The Qur'an's Incomparable Opening





To see how perfect an opening the Qur’an makes let us compare its very first sentence the very first chapter with other holy books.  The very first verse is: 


“Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem”


Even without knowing any Arabic the very sounds of this first verse or sentntence intimates supreme authority and presents us with an aeathetic effect which is neither poetry nor music but a third something unique else. And its meaning couldn’t be more serious, for it means:


“In the Name of God the All-Merciful,  the Mercifully Forgiving.  We translated ‘ar-Rahmaan” as All-Merciful in the sense that His mercy includes all existents whatever or whoever they are. He creates them, He fashions them, give them their needs and cares for them in general until their appointed time to expire and his hurting of any sentient ones among them He prepares them for much higher good whether they can appreciate it or not-  in the end they will, gratefully. We translated al-Raheem (deriving from the same root of RHM again which signifies loving and caring compassion-  and also ‘womb’) as Mercifully Forgiving for Allah means by it that He is unconditionally and promptly prepared and only too happy to forgive any and every sincere penitent however serious his or her crime.  Which means the very first verse of the Qur’an, utterly unlike any first verse in any other holy scripture,  announces us that the scripture it is introducing not only speaks in  the Name of One and Only God but also that God is full of loving mercy towards all His creatures without exception if in principle and shall forgive anyone who will be sincerely sorry for the wrongs he or she did.  What other holy scripture begins with such glorious perfection and kindest promise and so much to the point? What other scripture so directly and unambiguously declares that it is direct from God and bears God’s authority?  And proves the point with what follows!


What immediately follows after this glorious “basmala” as “Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem” is called in short are  six more and brief verses which together with the basmala make up the first chapter of the Qur’an, aptly called ‘al Faatiha’,  i.e, ‘the Opening’.  What it does is summarizing the Qur’an in its entirety as far as its spirit is concerned.  It reads:


“All Praises belong to God, the All-Merciful, the Mercifully Forgiving
The Owner of the Day of Judgment 
Thee only we worship and Thee only we ask for help
Guide us on the Right Path
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured 
Not the path of those who earned Thy wrath nor of those who were lost to it.  Amen”.


What do we see?  God first is glorified in His description (Rahmaan, Raheem),  made the sole and ultimate ruling judge of all men’s affairs.  Then a prayer is taught which is totally and exclusively directed to personal salvation as the most precious aim of any wise person. Then three categories of people are described as regards their status in the business of salvation, namely: First, those who earned God’s blessing by obeying His revelations conscientiously (e.g Noah, Abraham, Moses and those who really emulated them) second, those who earned God’s wrath because they abused God’s revelations to serve their selfish ends (e.g the rebellious and arrogant among the Biblical jews whom their own prophets including Isaiah and Jesus had condemned so vehemently), and third,  those who lost their way out of unintended error despite being initially given God’s guidance (e.g., the well-meaning but misguided Christians- as muslim exegetes interpret these three groups). What a profound summary of the history of mass spirituality in such a small  volume of hard-hitting words! 


In Chapter Two, namely ‘al Baqara’ this trend and tone setting is further consolidated equally economically and to-the-pointly.


“In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Mercifully Forgiving
This is the Book in which there is no doubt,  a Guidance to the God-fearing
Those who believe in the Unseen and are regularly prayerful and generously charitable giving away part of what We provided them with to those in need
Those who believe in what we sent down on you (in Revelation o Muhammad) and WHAT WE SENT DOWN BEFORE YOU (like to Moses and Jesus) and of the Hereafter they are convinced


All compressed into a few words like nuclear energy in the atomic nucleus.  THIS IS QUR’AN!   The rest of the Qur’an then goes on to fulfil the promise contained in these opening verses which number a mere eleven  short statements.  Not a word is wasted, not a point that matters is missed!


So what ALLAH, as God calls Himself in the Qur’an in the Arabic language (and also in Aramaic which was the moter tongue of Jesus), says about His sending down Guidance on mankind in general ON CHRISTIANITY in particular, let us hear.


“In the Name of Allah the All-Merciful, the Mercifully Forgiving” (Chapter opening clause repeated 114 times in the Qur’an).


“We have indeed gave Moses the Book and sent prophets one after another after him.  To Jesus son of Mary we gave mighty signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit.  Yet whenever a messenger came to you (o people and particularly Israel) with what you disliked you waxed proud against him and of these prophets some you denied and some you slaughtered (2: 87).


We have sent down Revelation on you (as well o Muhammad) as we sent down on Noah and the prophets after him. We made revelations to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their descendants;   and to Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon.  We gave the Psalms to David.


We have narrated to you (o Muhammad) the  stories of some prophets and some others we did not.  And Allah spoke to Moses in spoken words.


These were prophets sent as bringers of good news and warners so that there remained no excuse for mankind against Allah.  Allah is Dear in His Majesty and  Wise.


O mankind, The Messenger (Muhammad) has brought you the Truth, so believe for your own good.  If you deny then (remember that) everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah.  Allah is Full of Knowledge and Wisdom.


O People of the Bible!  Do not go to excess in your religion and do not say things about Allah except what is true.   Jesus son of Mary, the Christ is but a messenger from Allah and a Word He cast into Mary and a Spirit from Him. Believe in Allah and all His messengers.  DO NOT SAY ‘THREE’-, turn away from such speech; that is better for you.  Allah is but One God,  High Exalted is He!   He is far too sublime to have a child.  Everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him (as His created servants).  Allah is enough as to rely on.
Neither the Christ nor the nearest angels have any reservations about being Allah’s humble servants. WHOEVER abstains from being His servant and waxes proud He shall gather all to Himself.


And those who believed and did good works He shall pay them their rewards in full and whoever abstained from His servanthood and waxed proud  He shall punish them with a grievous punishment;  they shall find no friends and no helpers against Him.
O Mankind,  indeed absolute proof from your Lord has come to you and We have sent down to you an clear Light.


Those who believe in Allah and embrace Him tightly then Allah shall enter them into Loving Mercy from Him and guide them to a Straight Path (4: 157-175).


Consider when Allah gathers the prophets and asks them “How have you been received?”.  They say:  We have no knowledge,  it is only You who thoroughly and exhaustively knows all secrets”.


Then Allah will say: “O JESUS SON OF MARY!  REMEMBER MY FAVOURS ON YOU and your mother.  Remember that I had supported you with the Holy Spirit and you spoke to people both while in the cradle and when grown up.  Remember, I had taught you the Bible and  wisdom-  the Torah and the Gospel (which you preached).  Remember when you used to form birds from clay and blowing into them they became living birds with My permission. You used to cure the blind and the leper with My permission.  You used to revive the dead with My permission.  I had prevented the Children of Israel killing you.  Remember when you had brought them signs  they had had said: This is none other than magic.


Remember when I had inspired the disciples “Believe in Me and My messenger” and they had said “We believed,  be witness that we are submitting (muslims) to Allah”.
When the disciples had said “O Jesus son of Mary, can your Lord send down on us from heaven a table-spread laid with food”.  Jesus said “Fear Allah if you are believers”.
They said “It is just that we eat thereof and our hearts are convinced that you told us the truth and be witnesses”.


Said Jesus son of Mary “O Allah our Lord,  send down on us a table-spread laid with food from heaven to become a festivity for the former and the latter of us and a sign from You.  Provide us thus with sustenance.  You are the best of providers (this episode might be the true ‘Supper of the Lord’).


Allah said “I shall indeed send it down to you.  But whoever denies (such a sign) after this I shall punish him as I punished nobody among mankind”.


Consider when Allah said (shall say) “O Jesus son of Mary,  WAS IT YOU WHO SAID TO PEOPLE TAKE ME AND MY MOTHER AS TWO MORE GODS WITH ALLAH?  (In practice Trinity among the people consisted of ‘the Father’, ‘the Son’ and ‘Mary the mother of God’ and NOT the Holy Spirit.  Only the former three were worshipped and are being worshipped by at least Catholics to this day. Holy Spirit has been a later ‘theoretical’ addition and has been worshipped by nobody. So Allah spoke the truth).  He (Jesus) answers “I glorify You, how can it befit me to say things I have no right to say?  Had I said it You would certainly know already. You know what is in me but I do not know what is in You.  It is You and only You Who knows all secrets in full”.


“I only said the things You commanded me to say (Your absolute Unity). So long I was among them I was a guardian over them.  Once You finished with  me You remained the Guardian over them.  You are the Seer of everything. IF YOU PUNISH THEM, THEY ARE YOUR SERVANTS.  BUT IF YOU FORGIVE THEM YOU ARE (AFTER ALL) THE POWERFUL AND WISE ONE”.


Then Allah says ‘This is the Day when the truthfulness of the truthful benefits them.  For them are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, they  remain therein.  They are pleased with Allah and Allah with them. This is the greatest success in salvation (4: 109-119).


They (the rebellious Jews of the time of Jesus) said: ‘We have killed Jesus son of Mary’. 
But they neither killed nor even crucified him but it was made to look like it to them.  Those who dispute about the matter are in doubts about it.  They are just following mere opinions on it.  Certainly they have not been able to kill him.


Instead Allah raised him to Himself.  Allah has always been  Powerful,  Wise and Decisive’.
There is nobody from the People of the Bible (Jew or Christian) but shall most emphatically believe in him (Jesus, as taught by Allah) before his death and he (Jesus) shall be a witness against them on the Day of Resurrection (no Jew or Christian will die but Jesus will appear to him or her in his true nature which they will see for themselves and believe, but too late).


Indeed Allah chose Adam and Noah and Abraham and Imran (grandfather of Jesus)  over all mankind (by raising prophets from among the former). They descend from one another (a genetic trait for prophecy).  Allah heras and knows everything.


Remember when the wife (Hanna, pregnant with child) of Imran (father of Mary) had said ‘I dedicate to You as a (temple) servant what is in my belly, please accept my dedication” (she had asked to be given a boy whom she promised to dedicate to the Temple).  Indeed
You are the Hearer and the Knower’.


When she gave birth to her she said ‘Oh! I bore it a female’ (unsuitable for the temple service) while Allah already knew and male is not like female.  “I am naming her Mary and I ask refuge from You for her and her offspring from the stoned- away Satan”.


Her Lord accepted Mary () with a comely acceptance (as a Temple novice- so she became a nun and as male Temple servants were called ‘brothers of Aaron’ she was called a ‘sister of Aaron’ ) and raised her (in piety) like raising a precious and delicate plant.  Zechariah  sponsored her. Whenever Zechariah entered her cell (to check and supply as necessary) he found food already provided.  When he asked “Where is this food from o Mary?” she said “It is from Allah. He gives whom He will without limit or account”.  


Remember (o Muhammad) when the angels had said ‘O Mary, Allah has indeed chosen you and made you pure and preferred you over all the women among mankind. 
O Mary,  surrender to your your Lord,  make prostrations  to Him, and bow to Him with those who bow.


The angels had furthermore said: ‘O Mary, Allah is giving you the good news of a Word from Him. His name shall be Jesus son of Mary, the Christ and he is one of the elites in both worlds and one of the nearest to Allah.


He shall talk to people words of wisdom both in his cradle and and when grown up.
She said: ‘How can I have a boy while no man ever touched me?’. Allah said: ‘It is just so. He creates what He will.  Once He decrees a thing He only says to it BE and it is’.
‘He shall be a messenger (from Me) to the children of Israel saying “I come to you with signs from your Lord.  I form a bird from clay and blow into it and with Allah’s permission it becomes a living bird.  I cure with Allah’s permission the blind and the leper and revive the dead with Allah’s permission.  I inform you what you eat and what you hoard in your homes.  If you are believers there are signs in these for you.


I have come to confirm what came to you in the Torah before me and to make lawful certain things which have been unlawful to you. I brought you miraculous signs from your Lord, so fear Allah and believe  me ( I can assure the reader that Jesus DID USE THE HOLY NAME ALLAH because he spoke like most Jews Aramaic in which the Name IS Allah).
‘Allah is both mine and your Lord.  Therefore worship Him;  this is the Right Path’.
When Jesus sensed in them disbelief, he called out ‘Who shall be my helpers in the cause of Allah?’.  His disciples said ‘We are the helpers in the way of Allah.  We believed in Allah and be our witness that we are submitted  (muslims) to Him’.


‘Our Lord, we believe in what You have sent down and are following the  Messenger,  write us then as among Your witnesses’.


(For their part), the unbelievers plotted and Allah plotted back.  Allah is always the better plotter.


Remember( when the children of Israel proved intransigent towards the Truth and lusted after destroying the Christ) Allah said: ‘O Jesus, I am going to take you away from the world and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who are blaspheming and I will  put all those who follow you over those who deny you until the Day of Resurrection (Accordingly Christians, whatever their shortcomings have contained and dominated Jesus-hating people).  To Me is your return all and I shall judge among you in all that you have been disputing.


‘As regards those who denied (My messengers) I shall punish them with a grievous punishment both in this world and the next and for them there shall be no helpers’.
‘As regards those who believed and did good works I shall pay their rewards.  Allah does not love wrongdoers’.


‘Thus We (Gabriel, the Holy Spirit, the  Angel of Revelation) recite to you from the verses and reminders from the Wise One’.


‘Indeed the example of Jesus is like the example of Adam.  Allah created him from clay and said to it BE and it was’ (No father was needed).
‘The truth from your Lord;  therefore do not be of doubters’.
‘If after the coming of this knowledge to you they (misguided Christians)  still argue with you then make them this offer: ‘Let us come together and we also bring along our children and you bring along your children and we bring along our women and  you bring along your women and then we all pray to Allah’s to put His curse on the liars’ (When this verse came from Allah the Prophet read it out to his Christian disputants, which consisted of a delegation clerics from Christian state of Najran under their bishop they asked for time to consider it until next morning.  They discussed the issue the whole night and in the end decided that it was a risky challenge, that Muhammad looked the part only too well and they better desist.   Only one, the bishops brother opted to embrace Islam and stay behind while the rest dropped the subject and asked to be allowed back as if nothing happened. Granted).


“Then this is the true story of Jesus. THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH. INDEED ALLAH,  YEA, ONLY ALLAH IS THE DEAR, GLORIOUS, POWERFUL AND WISE AND THE DECISIVE ONE’.  (No creature can share in anything with Him). 
‘If they still turn away, then no doubt Allah knows the mischief-makers’.


Say (o My messenger): ‘O People of the Bible!  Let us come to a word between us and you, that we do not worship but Allah. That we do not ascribe partners to Him.  Let us not leave Allah and let not some of us take some others as lords in addition to Allah’.  If they still keep turning away then say: ‘Be witnesses that we are submitters (muslims) to Him’.
Say (o Muhammad): ‘We believe in Allah and what is sent down (from Him) to us and what was given to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and sons of Jacob and Moses and Jesus and to all prophets from their Lord.  We do not discriminate among them.  We just submit (are muslims) to Allah’.


Whoever seeks another religion other than Submission (ISLAM) to Allah then let him know that it will not be accepted from him and he shall be among the losers in the Hereafter.
From among the People of the Bible are those who bend and twist their tongues when they quote from their Bible in order to make you believe that what they quote is in the Bible.  But what they are reciting is not the (real) Bible. Despite what they are saying is not from Allah,  they still say it is from Allah.  They are only slandering Allah.


It is never the case that a man (e.g Jesus) is given by Allah a Book (Gospel) and him turning around and saying ‘Be my worshippers despite Allah’. On the contrary,  he can only say ‘Be Godly people in line with what you study and learn from the Book given you’.
Allah will never instruct you to take  angels and prophets as gods. Will He instruct you to blaspheme after you recognized Him?


Remember when Allah had taken an oath from the prophets: ‘After I give you Book and wisdom and then I send another prophet confirming and verifying what is with you,  then  you  shall unreservedly believe in him and help him (i.e instruct your followers to accept any new true prophets). Are you accepting  and do you take on to yourselves the responsibility I am putting on you?’  They said ‘Yes, we do’.  Whereupon Allah said ‘Witness ye then, I am also Witness with you’.


Then whoever after this (pledge) turn back they become the utterly lost (as jews were by rejecting Jesus and Christians by rejecting Muhammad).
Are they looking for other than the religion of Allah to Whom every soul in the heavens and earth are (fundamentally)  submitted whether willing or loathing and onto Him they shalreturn?
O People of the Bible,  why are you mixing truth with untruth and knowingly concealing the truth?

There is a group among the People of the Bible who say ‘Do not believe in anybody except who follows your own religion’.  Say o prophet: ‘The Right Path is only Allah’s Path’.   They also say ‘If anything similar to what you are given is given to somebody else (e.g. the Qur’an to Muhammad’) or when they bring proofs about it do not believe them’.  Say to them: ‘Favours and grants are all in Allah’s Hand, He gives them whom He will. His bounty is vast and His knowledge is absolute’
(As for the Immaculate conception:)
‘Mention (o Muhammad) in the Book Mary.  Remember when she had left her family going somewhere to the east.
Thus veiled from them We sent her Our Spirit who took the shape of a perfect man to her to see. 

She said: I take refuge in Allah in the hope that you are pious.
The Angel said:  I am but your Lord’s messenger sent to give you a pure boy.
She said: How can I have a boy seeing that no man touched me nor have I ever been unchaste?

The Angel said: Thus said thy Lord:  ‘It is easy for Me. We intend to make him a sign and a body of mercy from Us. This has already been decreed and already done’.

Said Jews and Christians “We are Allah’s sons and darlings”.  Say to them “If that is so why then He is punishing you for your sins?  No, you are but human beings just like the others He created.  He forgives whom He will and punishes whom He will. To Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and earth and onto Him they all return”.
We had received a firm commitment from those who said “we are the Nazarenes (Christians)”.  But they forgot a portion of what they had been reminded (that another and final messenger shall come-  codified as ‘Paraclete’) and We therefore spread malice and hostility among them until the Day of Resurrection (as a curse on account of their dismissing the advent of another messenger and inventing barring dogmas. They are divided into mutually hating sects like the Catholic, Orthodox and a thousand smaller factions).  Soon Allah shall inform them of what they have been doing (all those centuries of murderous factionalism).


Indeed, We have sent Our messengers with open proofs and with them We sent down the Book and the Scales of Justice (the Divine Law) in order that people work justice….
Indeed We Have sent Noah and Abraham and gave to their descendants  the prophethood (gift of Divine prophecy) and the Book (Revelation, Bible).  From among them some followed the Right Path while most got lost.


In their footsteps We sent other prophets. After them we added Jesus son of Mary and gave him the Gospel.  To those who truly followed him, in their hearts We put tenderness and mercy.  As for monasticism they themselves innovated it-  We did not prescribe it for them.  They themselves did it to earn Allah’s pleasure (more).  Yet,  they could not observe it as they should. We rewarded the faithful all the same but most lost their way and sinned (57: 25- 27).


From among people… the closest to (muslim) believers in the capacity of love,  you will find  those who say “We are the Nazarenes (Christians).  That is because among them are monks and priests who do not wax proud (5: 82).  

O People of the Bible!  Indeed after an interruption in messengers has come to you our messenger (Muhammad) explaining to you all matters, so that you do not say ‘No giver of good news or warner came to us (since Jesus)’. (It is like this:) In order to confirm the Torah we had sent Jesus son of Mary in the footsteps of prophets before him. We gave him the Gospel as a guidance and Light for the God-fearing and good news and as confirmation of the Torah before it.


O People of the Book! (Now) Our  messenger (Muhammad) has come to you to re-expose to you those many things you (your scholars) have been hiding in the Bible (nothing has been more tampered with to  this day than the Bible for sectarian reasons).  He is forgiving many of your faults.  A Light, an explicit Qur’an (all-inclusive Recitation) has come to you”
“Allah guides to the Path of Salvation those who seek His pleasure and takes them out of darkness into Light.
(On the alleged divinity of Jesus:)

“Those who say ‘Allah is Jesus Christ son of Mary’ have indeed blasphemed.  Say: Then who could prevent Allah if He willed to destroy the Christ and his mother and all else on earth?  Everything in the heavens and on earth and in between them belong to  Allah.  He creates what He will and He is Able to do all things.


“Indeed those who say: Allah is the Christ son of Mary have blasphemed.  For his part the Christ said ‘O children of Israel, Worship Allah my Lord and your Lord’.  Know that whoever associates other gods with Allah then Allah makes the Paradise banned to him.  Then his place is in the Fire and for the wrongdoers there shall be no helpers.”


Without doubt, those who say ‘Allah is the third of the three’ have blasphemed.  He is but One God.  If they do not desist from what they are saying then for blasphemers there is a grievous punishment.
Will they still not repent and ask forgiveness from Him? Indeed Allah is amply Pardoning and Merciful.

The Christ son of Mary is but a messenger. Many messengers came and went before him. His mother was a truthful woman.  Both used to eat food. Look how We are explaining them our proofs and look how they are turning away!
(On the coming of Muhammad:) 
“Remember when Jesus son of Mary had said ‘O children of Israel, I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirmer of the Torah in front of you and GIVER OF THE GOOD NEWS OF A PROHET AFTER ME NAMED AHMAD (Aramaic equivalent of Muhammad)’.  When he (Muhammad) eventually came to them with proofs they said ‘This is plain magic’.
Who is guiltier than one who is being called to Islam but keeps telling lies about Allah?  Allah will not make the wrongdoers prosper.

They are trying to put out the Light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will not be happy except by perfecting His Light however the blasphemers loath it.
It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and Truth in order that to make His Religion triumph over all religion” (61: 6- 9).

Say:  O Mankind! I am indeed the messenger of Allah sent to you all, Allah to  Whom belongs the Kingdom of heavens and earth. There is no god but He! It is He Who gives life and death.  Believe then in His unlettered prophet who believes in Allah and His words so that you obtain guidance (7: 158).

(On the Qualities of Muhammad the Final Messenger of Allah:)
Indeed there has come to you from among your own kind a messenger that anything which troubles or hurts you bears very heavily on him.  He is always on tenterhooks about you.  About believers He is tender and full of mercy.
If they turn away (despite all) then say “Allah is enough for me. There is no god but He. On Him I depend and to Him I entrust my affairs. He is the Lord of the Great Throne (9: 128- 129). 





The usual rejection of Muhammad as Allah’s last and final messenger on the part of most Christians, scholarly or not,  can only be a tribal or partisan reaction.   As can be seen from above examples the Qur’an is by far the more brilliant, majestic and unanswerable Revelation attributed to the Creator of everything and all mankind.  The rejecters have to explain how come that a ‘false’  prophet put forward a scripture which only too clearly and almost infinitely excels all that came before, is utterly universal and egalitarian in spirit and outlook,  shines with excellent logic as well as loftiest good intentions and highest morality.


Because Christianity quickly became a hierarchically organized church (community) in which some ambitious and powerful characters ran a parallel government to that of kings, especially after the Roman emperor Constantine the Great made it state religion, the priesthood has had a vested interest in living, ruling and taxing like royal nobility and Muhammad and his Islam was as deadly for them as the French Revolution was to the royal nobility. Hence, they had to fight Muhammad and Islam tooth, tongue and nail! And what best fight than greatest possible slander and misrepreseantation!


The totally egalitarian Islam allowing no priesthood and no hierarchical church government promised only utter redundancy to all those who enjoyed ruling over millions of tax-paying subjects whom they kept under awed and scared control by claims of miraculous or magical power over their lives and their fate after death. All those jewel studded thrones and robes and palatial residences and princely life they had to go if Islam was allowed to replace Christianity. Hence all that dense and intense slander and disinformation campaigns since the 7th century on the part of the Christian clergy for discrediting and preventing Islam.  The simplest and soundest of creeds, the healthiest and justest of Laws, the most universal and egalitarian of assumptions and attitudes which Islam brought were covered under a barrage of lies and abuses in order to keep the false Christ-selling industry up and running- false Christ because the true Christ Jesus was not the same as the manufactured image foisted upon him by theologians with pagan backgrounds and with no respect for the Bible in the Old Testament which defended strict monotheism and contained no Trinitarian shadows. 


Despite the unjust attacks Islam kept winning and still is the fastest growing religion making the most of new converts from among Christians all over the world.
This is despite the great disservice some fanatical muslim groups are doing to Islam with their stupid as well as barbaric acts.  How strong Islam must be to surmount all such internal and external subverters and keep growing and spreading.  It is not for nothing that Allah said:


“It is He Who has sent His messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth in order to make it victorious over all religion. Allah is enough as a witness- Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”  (48: 28-29)




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