Breezes of Intimacy 1-5


'La ilaha illallah' means abandoning your ego and nothing more. Once
you abandon it the already and timelessly existing Allah shines on you like the sun shines once the dark clouds before it are moved away. Then you need no more proof of His existence and brilliance nor can you fail to be warmed and enlightened by Him. Before then Allah for you means only your ego. That is why so many people are so able to perpetuate so many abominations in 'His' name.
(As far as your salvation is concerned)

"Muhammadun Rasulullah" (Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah- may Allah's
blessings and peace be on him) means:
You should have enough gnosis of truth by virtue of your sincerity towards the truth to recognize and only too happily submit to the fact that recognizing Muhammad (sws) is your only chance of having a full, comprehensive and authentic exemplars, to love, emulate and follow so that you may pension off your ego from running and ruining your life and then achieve your full moral and spiritual as well as bodily potential for good and felicity.
Whatever the real or imagined (mythical) merits of all other messengers
and exemplar from the Creator, it is none but the Creator Who buried their memories and examples in near-full oblivion while keeping Muhammad's (sws) fixed in the heavens of human observation and contemplation.
The one with gnosis and sincerity will not resent this but can only be happy.  He will find confirmed and celebrated in Muhammad all true prophets before him.
By following Muhammad (sws) you get the rewards of following all of them, each and every one of them separately and cumulatively.

Move house from your ego district to the neighbourhood of God. Down here dwelling in your ego puts you against everybody and everybody against you. If you don't believe me watch a debate program on the TV or a parliamentary question and answer session. What do you see? Everybody fights his corner, remaining blind to even to the most convincing arguments of the other party and then wonders why that other party remains blind to his arguments.
Why is this so?
Because each is buried up to neck in his ego, enjoying an illusion of being the superior intellect. Real superiority is when you realize that at the ego level you can only be inferior and only after climbing the ladder of Godliness you can benefit from the blessings of The Real Superior.
With God in you and ego out, you see people for what they are: small pots of ego asking to be delivered from the pot, as you were before.
Then you can really pity them as God would and forgive and help them without bothering about wins and victories. Greatest wins and victories are when you do not want any wins and victories but just want to serve the Truth. Only then you can justly arbitrate among people and be accepted as such. And perhaps even save them.

Do you know why Allah the Most High opens His Qur'an and all the chapters with "BismillahirRahmanirRahim"? (In the Name of Allah the All-Kind, the Mercifully Forgiving)?
Because that indicates what He has been all along towards us and what He intends for us for all time to come: To show compassionate care for everything and everybody He creates and forgive everything for everybody who just repents. But it has an even deeper meaning which has every bearing on your very personal salvation. It means:
Read the Qur'an to partake of Allah's universally caring and compassionate outlook towards all and a mercifully forgiving attitude towards all who offend you. Salvation means nothing but salvation from your narrow selfish obsessions and blasphemy of servicing your capricious and rapacious ego and at the same time and as an automatic result EXPAND into Divine outlook whereby you consider the whole creation as in need of compassionate care and yourself in need of forgiving all offenders against you if you would be forgiven by the Lord.
Don't you see how the Prophet (sws) forgave every single man and woman who did him personal wrongs once they said sorry? And because he looked at everybody with the outlook of 'al Rahman' he also worked at winning their hearts by returning their evil with good. So should you be. 
Against this there are those unfortunates who, being ego- worshippers, read the Qur'an with only verbal and without spiritual 'basmala' and emotionally respond only to its restricting and terrorizing verses and cannot wait to run out and spread restriction and inflict terror. The Qur'an's general undercurrent of love and compassion escapes them for they hate both love and compassion.
Hatred and cruelty tastes better for them and that is what they spread and collect back. Remember, a drop of honey attracts more insects than a pint of vinegar and Islam is honey and not vinegar.

The Believer's greatest aim and in fact only aim, should be pleasing God. God is the Total Existence, the Total Reality- outside (Dhahir) and inside (Batin)-
and ALL GOOD. Now hear this: Your pleasing the Lord is the same as your being pleased with Him- pleased with what he made, what He did, what He gave you and what He gave others. You must be content by all that, nay even love and admire them as masterpieces of creation and choice! Of course this is easier said than done. But now the acid test: The sure sign that you are pleased with your Lord which is the same as His being pleased with you is WHEN YOU FIND NO JEALOUSY IN YOUR HEART TOWARDS ANYBODY OR RESENT YOUR LOT. Remember? That was the Original Sin and the sinner was the Devil. His job is infecting you with his illness. Resenting the Prophet's (sws) choices or the true murshid's choices is like resenting God's choices. So beware o murid.
You pretend to love me
Yet you cannot let me be
Like the bird-keeper in a cage 
You impose on me
To sing YOUR tunes always.

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