Highest Authority by Dr Saydam Akpinar
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- Highest Authority by Dr Saydam Akpinar
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BismillahirRahmanirRahim. Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil Alamin.
Wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin (saw) wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmain.
Although the Qur'an is sent to US all mankind, albeit through Rasulullah (saw), and especially binds us all muslims it is the LEAST consulted source among us.
Of course one reason is that it often needs some additional interpretation by an expert commentator to understand many of its verses correctly and not to misunderstand and jump to silly or dangerous conclusions. Yet it is a fact that the majority of its verses are quite straightforward and explicit enough to be understood by the average intelligent and well-meaning person not blinded by certain prejudices.
We are proposing to begin a series of very brief articles quoting and briefly commenting upon a number of selected verses from the Qur'an which verses deal with some very important concepts in the book of Allah (swt)/ God Almighty, concepts like Zikr, Du'a, Rahmat and subjects like sincerity and generosity. What we aim at by consulting the Qur'an directly and collating and comparing verses on the same and selected subjects is that we can build a picture of what Allah (sws)/God Almighty actually means for and wants from us as no other method can elucidate.
In our translation of Allah's verses in the Qur'an we tried to render the meanings clear and as more relevant to the context by including more explanatory material without using brackets. In certain cases we felt it necessary, though, to use brackets.